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Abigial leaned against the old worn out bar top, her long blonde hair dangling just in front of her eyes. She flicked her head brushing the hair away from her eyes, she lets out a soft sigh and tucks her hair behind her ear reminding herself that she would soon be in need of a hair cut. The sun cast above a wave of heat, causing the sweat to pool on her forehead.

Her eyes flicked over to a rowdy group of pirates and she groaned in irritation, it was far too humid to be running back and forth for them. She rolls her eyes when she sees the blonde raise his tankard for yet another refill. She grumbles under her breath and reaches under the bar, "I think he's gone through two bottles alone, if he drinks anymore I'll be dragging a corpse out of here soon." She fumbles for a bottle and makes her way through the nearly empty tavern toward the group of burly men.

She picks up the blonde's cup and fills it to the top, she can feel his eyes raking over her body and she can't help but to shiver. Bleeding bastard, I ain't a piece of meat. She ignores the ogling and turns to head back towards the bar and stiffens when she feels the hard smack against her rump. Her eyebrows narrow and she whips around to give the pig a piece of her mind.

The words become lost to her when she sees the roguish men guffaw at her. Her face turns a bright red and she stomps back to the bar. As she goes she hears a soft voice, "That's rude don't ya think Kenway? How'd ya like it if I slapped yer arse?" She juts her chin forward, happy that finally someone had the decency to treat a lass right. The group lets out another boisterous laugh and she ducks behind the counter.

She watches the group again, hoping to make out just who it was that had defended her. She'd have to thank him later. Her eyes finally settle on a smaller figure sitting with the men, he seemed just so out of place around them. He was alot thinner but obviously had some height, he seemed to be just a tad shorter than the blonde that slapped her ass.

Her lips pulled into a smirk as she roamed his face with her eyes, he's damn sexy. The man turns towards the bar and the two make eye contact, she can't help but to stare and he sends her a smirk. Her face brightens and he gives her a wink and turns back towards his friends. She feels her heart begin to race and nearly jumps when she feels the hand grab at her shoulder. She whips around to face her fellow barmaid and growls, "Anne you scared the daylights out of me! What are you doing here? I thought you were off today?"

Anne sends her a reassuring smile and beams, "I just came to check up on you, Make sure you were alright by yourself." Usually the owner of the tavern would be there, Mostly for protection for his workers. But he had business to conduct in Havana and had been gone for the past few days. Abigail sighed and shifted her gaze back towards the bandana wearing pirate. She leaned against the counter admiring his sculpted face and hums, "I'm fine, you really didn't have to check up on me."

Anne grins and leans over the counter next to her, "What are you admiring Abigail? Do you fancy one of those pirate lads?" She feels her face flush yet again and struggles to come up with the proper words. "I- It's just- I don't." She stammered and Anne's grin only deepens, she leans her head against her open palms and simply asks, "Which one?"

Abigail sighs and says quietly, "The thin one with the scar." Anne laughs and kicks a leg up behind her, "Oh that's Captain Kidd, he's very handsome and by the looks of him he's pretty classy. Don't worry, I'll help you out."


Abigail sighed as she stood wiping the counter down, this Kidd fellow hadn't made an appearance at the Old Avery in over a month and she felt as though her chance was lost. Anne had gone on and on about how he frequented the tavern and that he was such a nice lad. Abigail was starting to mistrust her ginger haired friend, if he came to the tavern so often why had she never seen him before? I mean she'd been working there for a little over a year now, she couldn't have just never noticed a beautiful face like that.

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