Chapter One

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      "Ummm.... Torrie... Is that John?"

       It all started with that very sentence coming from who I thought was my best friend, Amillia. Her story can be explained later. Anyway, she had asked this question on my 23rd birthday when we were out at a bar, and she saw my husband, now ex-husband, kissing another girl. I was in complete shock when I found out the lady in the bar was my sister. Needless to say I filled for divorce. Today is the day that everything is finally over. The papers finally came in, and it's all final. The thing that held up the process was my 8 month old son, Jackson. John, ex-husband, tried to fight for soul custody. It was actually looking up for him because of my job as a scrub nurse at Riggs Memorial. I got full custody in the end because John's girlfriend was storing a shit ton of crystal meth in his house. Now they are both serving 10 years in prison, which serves them right. I guess you can say that made me feel a little better after what he did to me. How about I just back up a year or so, and explain.

The Night In The Bar

     "Ummm.... Torrie... Is that John?"
      I turned to see if Amillia was pointing at John, my John. As soon as my eyes found him in the crowd I knew it was him. All of a sudden his blue eyes, and light brown skin wasn't beautiful to me anymore. Suddenly his large hands, and full lips didn't appeal to me. It was immediate repulsion when seeing him there with another woman in his arms. As soon as I realized that his lips were locked to the pair that belonged to my sister I was no longer disgusted. I was furious. Amillia shook my arm, and brought me back to reality. In my head I had been thinking of all the things I wanted to do in that moment. Should I walk over and confront them? Should I take over the karaoke mic and let everyone know that my sleazy husband was having an affair with my slutty sister? Instead of choosing one of these more fun things Amillia drug me out of the club by my hand and called us a cab. Turns out it's not very easy to get a cab on a Friday night in Chicago. At that very moment all I wanted to do was go home, pack all his shit, and get it out of my house. I knew that whatever was to happen between me and John would affect Jackson. I didn't want that to happen, but I didn't want to live with a cheater. Maybe if this was the first time John had cheated on me, or maybe if it wasn't my sister this time, we could work through things. But, I decided that I was done loving someone who didn't love me, and I was not going to raise my son in a home with a cheating man. Fifteen minutes before the cab showed up it had started pouring down rain. Amillia thought that the streak of bad luck was slightly humorous. And of course she would, the evil bitch. When the cab finally got there we were both soaking wet, intoxicated, and irritated. I believe our taxi driver regretted picking us up because we bitched the whole ride. At the time Amillia happened to be my next door neighbor so the driver dropped us off together. I made it inside, thankful that my mother had Jackson that night, and started packing John's stuff. I got it all ready then sat in the living room with it until he finally came home.

Present Time

       I wish, oh how I wish Jackson could sleep through the night. Here it is 6 in the morning and I want to pass out as I get ready for work. I start a pot of coffee before changing into my usual blue scrubs. Another day in the operating room. Just the thought of it makes me smile. Thankfully Jackson is asleep while I brush my teeth and pull my red, curly hair back into a ponytail. If Jackson is around I can't do anything without his hands in the way. After I'm ready to go, and my coffee is ready, it's time to get Jackson ready for daycare. I'm very lucky that we have one in the hospital so I don't have to worry about my baby while I'm working. At first he wasn't very happy with daycare, but he has grown to love it.
        After making sure everything is ready Mr. Sweet Face and I make our way to the hospital. As I walk through the front doors I realized that I had not got everything. I forgot my favorite scrub cap at home. This cap was reserved for special surgeries, and today I get to partake in a heart transplant. Pretty special. Today is already off to a bad start. I quickly drop Jackson off, and head up the the 4th floor to start my rounds. When I walk into Mr.Kipson's room I'm surprised to see a new doctor standing there. I walk in and check Kipson's vitals, and look over the chart. After this mystery doctor informs me that there is nothing I can assist him with I head out to the nurse's station to see what's up. As soon as I get there the gossip starts.
"Hey, Torrie. I see your in the O.R. with Hot Stuff." This comment comes from Rosana. A beautiful blonde nurse that has been here a year longer than me. "Yep. Looks like I am. So, does Hot stuff have an actual name?" I grin slightly at the nickname. Mostly because it's very accurate. He is pretty hot. Josie, another nurse, fills in this information. "Yeah, it's Dr.Ramirez. He is Latino, and he's from California." Just as she finishes her sentence Hot Stuff, I mean Dr.Ramirez walks out of Kipson's room, and heads over to us. He stops in front of me and introduces himself, "I'm Dr.Ramirez. You must be Torrie. Nice to meet you. I hope we get along well seeing that you will be my scrub nurse from now on." And with that said he headed to the O.R. board to schedule our surgery. All the nurses were looking at me. I wonder why I get to be Hot Stuff's nurse. This should be fun.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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