My poison Rose (a creepypasta fanfic rewritten )

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CHAPTER 1 : I'M GOING CRAZY "Rose wake the hell up you lazy piece of shit!" my oviously drunk mother said as she stumbled into my room with a bat in hand. " Mom its five in the morning. I go to school at seven.'' '' I don't care you fat ass bitch!'' she yelled as she hit me with the metal bat. "OW!!! MOM STOP PLEASE I'M SORRY!!!!! HELP ME ANY ONE PLEASE!!!!!! '' I screamed even though no one heard me. Mom just beat me worse." Your the reason your father died you stupid bitch!!! '' Mom yelled in my face. She knows I feel guilty for his death. He died in a car crash while on his way to go to the movies with me and mom .She contiunued hitting me for over an hour.I was crying and screaming but it only made it worse. During this whole time there was this voice in my mind pushing me to fight back."Come on fight back you can't act this week forever you know . Let me take over for just one minute I swear I'll make it all stop .Please ,come on the bitch deserves to get her ass beat."" But I dont want to shes the only family I have left. "I thought." She doesnt treat you like a real mother should this isn't normal." It wispered"Your talking about normal when talking to voices in your head isn't normal either!!!!""Okay you might be right about that but I'm just the deep part of your mind that wants to help you. Please let me help.""Fine" Thats when I lost control over my body . I could see what I was doing ,but I had no control over my limbs ."Holy shit whats going on!!! This must be a crazy dream .Its either that or I'm losinng my mind." I thought .My mother went to swing at me again,but this time I caught her arm with an almost inhuman speed .She looked confused and scared but only for a second and she regained her angry face. I tisted her arm back and laughed." I'm tired of all the bullshit you have put me through .You have beat me for Nearly five years.Now its time for pay back don't you think " I said .My voice sounded dark and demonic ,yet at the same time sweet and melodic. I laughed even more When her face contorted in pain and fear. I twisted her arm further back until I heard a satisfying and sickening crack .I smiled . My smile grew when she screamed in pain."How does it feel ? Does it hurt ? Do you want me to stop ?" I said faking concern .She knodded crying on the floor .I laughed and kicked her in her ribs until I heard more bones snapping . "Sorry but I'm not going to stop...actually I'm not sorry about it ." I said as I twisted her leg in an unnateral position and getting rewarded with another cracking sound. "You know for a woman who acted all strong and stuff your pretty fragile . I said laughing while walking over to the kitchen counter grabbing a knife , a dirty dish rag , duck tape, salt , and lemon juice. As I walked back to her she was making a sorry attempt to get away from me by crawling slowly in the opposite direction . I laughed and grabbed her broken leg and used it to pull her back to me." Why are you trying to esscape we are gonna have so much fun together mother!" I said with a menacing growl." I'm sorry for all I've done please stop .I love you Rose please." The woman yelled while sobbing. " Sorry's and I love you's won't help you." I said kicking her in the gut again. She gasped in pain and I took this opprotunity to stuff the dirty dish rag in her mouth and tape it shut . Then I grabbed her hands and slowly broke every finger on bother her hands .Then I broke her wrists . It was at this point I noticed that what ever was controling my body stopped controling me . I was actually doing this myself and strangly I was okay with that. My laugh grew more dark with each muffled scream she made.After that I used the knife to engrave a rose in her already bruiesed back .I poured the entire bottle of lemon juice on her and salted her wound laughing. Then I started to roll her over to where she was on her back and I slowly started to push my knife into her chest luaghing as the light in her eyes began to fade. When she was nothing but a lifelss corpse I carved her heart out and burst it in my hands ." There now wasn't this all just so much fun" said the voice " I think Im going insaine becuase I actually did have fun." "Good but now this is the intresting part we run" said the voice. So I ran into the woods behind my house . I was running for what could have been hours becuase it was already getting dark . I decided to climb up a tree and hope that nothing finds me .

AN\Heyyyyy I am in the process of rewriting all of this becuase I did ths a year ago and I was not a good writer I'm still not ,but anyways I hope this is better than the first one and if you havnt read this yet yaaaaaayyyyy I hope you like it . Sorry if it still sucks.Also the cover credit goes to whoever made it . it is not mine . The creepypastas are not my charactors the only ones that are mine are mine that I have made up (Rose and possibly others maybe in chapters to come)

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