Episode: 96_The Warning

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Jeremie was laying awake unable to go to sleep he looked at the clock, almost midnight. He glanced at his computer. It had only been two weeks after they shut down the super computer. He looks at his laptop he had been afraid to touch it but nothing happen in the past few weeks XANA was gone. Jeremie pick up the laptop and opened it. It began to start up.

In Odd and Ulrich's room Kewi began to bark, a black mist was sprouting from the power outlet.

"Shhh, Kewi be quiet" Odd mumbled out of instinct still sleeping. Kewi whimpered and jumped into his cupboard to get away from the black smoke. The smoke turned to the two sleeping boys.

Jeremie typed away on his computer starring at the programs flashing on the screen, the light reflecting off his glasses. Something popped up on the screen Jeremie skimmed it over and almost dropped the computer. No. That was not possible. A unknown source had sent him a file that made his blood run cold. He reread the file to himself.

I am deeply sorry to inform you, that I could not completely destroy XANA.  He is weak but he will get stronger. The only way to stop him is to turn the super computer back on you will have to fight him again. You can not allow him to win. At most I have given you another week before he tries something XANA will most likely try something sooner I have only delayed him. The Lyoko warriors are the only chance humanity has. I have sent you some programs to help you, good luck.

  He looked over the programs they were complex but should be helpful if XANA was really alive, Jermie started to doubt that XANA was truly dead and after reading the programs Jeremie knew that one person could have sent them. Franz Hopper wasn't dead.

    Jeremie had to tell his friends they had a right to know. He didn't want to wake them up but if they didn't know they could be in danger. He took out his phone and dialed Ulrich's number.

The black smoke approached the boys. The brown haired boy's phone rang. The Smoke hissed but retreated.  Ulrich groaned but picked up his phone. " Jeremie are you crazy, do you know what time it is?" Ulrich hissed into the phone.

" Yes, but-" He began but was cut of by Ulrich.

   "Jeremie I don't care what ever it is it can wait till morning" Ulrich told him and hung up, shutting off his phone.

Jeremie sat at his desk staring at  his phone and wondering if he should call the others but Ulrich was right. It late at night he could tell them tomorrow. He signed and crawled back into his bed pulling the covers up to his chin. There was nothing he could do until morning. He was glad tomorrow was a Sunday so they didn't have classes. He drifted into sleep.

  Yumi smiled as she walked to Jeremie's room she had gotten his text earlier that the gang was meeting In his room.

   With all the drama gone from their lives they all had grown closer and closer. Their bond already formed by fighting XANA only grew stronger. They were tight knit family.

    When Yumi got to Jeremie's room everyone was already there. She sat in between Aelita and Ulrich.

    "So, what's going on Jeremie?" she asked still smiling.

  Jeremie looked down sadly and nervously " XANA," he whispered.

    He got looks of shock and disbelief. There were a few seconds of silence as nobody moved, then Yumi stood up suddenly. "Are you serous?" she demanded. Jeremie only nodded. Aelita looked down sadly " Jeremie the multi-agent system....my father...."

  Jeremie took her hand. "No, You didn't let me explain. XANA might be back but Franz Hopper isn't dead either he sent me some programs. We have to turn the super computer back on. That way we can fight XANA on Lyoko if we Don't turn the computer back on he will take over the internet then the world. And we will most definitely be targets for XANA he will try to get rid of us. According to Franz we have less than a week before XANA will attack" He told his friends.

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