Percabeth Promise «one-shot»

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Oh, and my Doctor Who story/book is out so check it out please!


Annabeth P.O.V

Percy and I had just gotten out of school after our last  day of 12th grade and we were walking  to his mom's apartment. We still had a couple blocks until we got to the apartment. Percy seemed rather nervous, but I had no idea why. "Is anything wrong, Seaweed Brain?" I questioned. He hesitated to answer, but instead he answered me with a kiss, which quickly turned into a full-out make out session. That erased any doubt I had about his nervousness a few moments ago. "Gods, you have no idea how much I love you, Wise Girl." he whispered in my ear. "I love you too, Seaweed Brain." I replied.

Just then we realized we had arrived at Percy's apartment and stepped inside. "Hi Sally, hi Paul, we're home!" I announced. "Hello kids!" Sally and Paul chorused. "Are you going to be staying for dinner, Annabeth, or are you going to camp later?" asked Sally. "Can I stay for dinner and sleep here?" I asked. "You're staying with me, Wise Girl," Percy replied, "we'll be in my room, mom!" he shouted. And with that Percy dragged me to his room, where we proceeded to lay down in his bed and talk about camp. I barely started to open my mouth to ask him something, when I was cut off by a pair of salty lips being pressed against mine. When we pulled away, Percy got up from the bed and pulled me with him, and I ended up sitting down on the bed while he was standing up in front of me.

"Hey, Wise Girl? Can I ask you something?" he questioned. "Of course, Perce, anything." I replied. Percy knelt down in front of me and pulled out a small box with a gray ring in it. I gasped because I knew what was coming. "Well, I realized there's no easy way to say this so I'm just going to come out and say it. I've been in love with you ever since the moment I met you, even if I hadn't realized it. I quickly found out that we were meant to be soulmates, and I realized I wanted us to live together, forever. I love you from Olympus to Tartarus, where I would jump to again just for you. What I'm trying to say is, will you, Annabeth Chase, make me the happiest man on Earth and be my wife?" he nervously asked. I don't know why he doubted my answer, I loved him and would love to live my life and grow old with him. "OF COURSE PERCY!!!!" I shouted happily, not really sure if my reply was understandable through all the tears flowing down my face.

Sally and Paul came into the room running, clearly worried that something had happened. "What's wro-aww that's so cute!!!" Sally mused, taking in the scene in front of her and Paul. Percy just looked at his mom and then back at me, and he grinned his sexy troublemaker grin I loved so much. I was so excited that I pressed my lips against his lips and we made out, not caring that his parents were watching us. 'Oh Gods, I'm kissing Percy Jackson, my fiance!' was the only thing I could think of. I couldn't wait to live the rest of my life with my oh-so-perfect Seaweed Brain. This was going to be a new chapter in the 'Percy and Annabeth Jackson' book of life that I couldn't wait to start.

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