The killer

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Hi I'm 14 And this is how my story goes.

"She is ugly, fat, and gross"

I over hear the girls say.

People just don't under stand me. They don't get it just because I'm not like them dose not mean I have feelings.

"Bell rings"

I start to walk home and all of a sudan this guy a pears looking at me. He was all dressed in black jeans and a black hoody. I can't tell who he was he looked just like me. I look away for a minute I look back and he is gone! I don't know where he is. So I keep walking. I come home and see my dad standing in the door way crying. I asked him was happened? he tolled me my mom just died. I start to brake out in tears and run too my room. I sat on my bed crying for an hour with my head down on a pillow that my mom made me when I was 5. I start to get a hold of my self and I look up at my window. I see the guy in the black hoody what is he doing here at my house I wondered. he taped on my window telling me to come outside. I was scared at first but then I was not anymore. Some thin told me that I can trust him, so I walked outside I asked him who he was? he took his hood off and I see my older brother that was in jail he told me its okay just come with me. I told him how do I know if I can trust you agen? he said you have to believe me I know who killed mom but you have to come with me. so I went with him not knowing what he is going too do or say? it was silent at first but I broke the silent I asked him who killed mom.....

He froze and told me that dad killed her and he was after me next. I ask him why he said I don't know "in a sad voice"

I hope you guys liked it because this is my first time with this

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2014 ⏰

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