Chapter 1: Felix's Party

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~Mark's POV~

Mark reluctantly opened the door to his car, got out, and looked at Felix's house. "Come on Mark...." He said to himself, "You don't want to be here.....why would you?... But put on that fake smile, and do it for Felix." He smiled and slowly walked into the house. He stood in the doorway and took in the party. All the face were familiar, although Mark only really knew a few of them. He saw Felix and a few friends talking in a group not far away. He walked over to them, wanting Felix to appreciate that he came. "You showed up!!" Felix said excitedly. He stepped closer to Mark smiling. Mark forced his smile back on and answer his friend, "Yeah!, I had too. No way I'd miss your going away party!" Their older bearded friend turned around. "See!" He joked, "Even Mark came to celebrate you leaving!" The Swedish man fake punched him, "Shut up Ken, I bet if you were leaving even more people would have showed up!" "Rood!" Men responded while fake punching him back. "For real though..." Mark started, "I'm gonna really miss you" "Aw thanks Mark" Felix said sincerely, "I'll try to visit as much as possible!" "You better!" Ken said, going to get another beer.

Mark scanned the party again, Looking for someone  in particular. After not finding him Mark decided to go over by the food. If he has to be here might as well have some free food right? Mark sat down near the back of the party by the food. He ate a bit and watched everyone. Most people were either dancing towards the middle of the room or talking in groups near the walls. Because of the fact Mark can't drink parties were even worse than they'd normally be. Not only did he always end up just sitting alone, he was also almost always the only sober one there. While watching everyone have fun Mark saw a flash of green in the crowd. He immediately got pulled out of his thoughts and started looking around, hoping not to see who he thought he saw. "Of course....." Mark sighs, seeing the ONE person in the world he hoped not to see. Jack. Without any warring Mark's mind immediately spiraled out of control.

~Flash Back~

"MARKY!" Mark turned around quickly hearing a familiar voice that filled him with joy. "Ja-?" Before Mark could finish his sentence he's hug tackled by the one and only: Jack McLoughlin. Mark felt a smile form on his face as he hugged Jack back. While hugging him Mark picked Jack up. Jack wrapped his arms and legs around Mark and kissed him slowly. "You've been gone for way too long" Mark said, before kissing his boyfriend back. Jack giggled. "It was only a few weeks!" he replied, his accent sounding stronger from the time he had just spent in Ireland with family. "Like i said," Mark said while picking up Jack's stuff and carrying it for him, "Toooo long" "Next time you'll have to come with me!"Jack said, as they headed toward the parking lot of the airport. "No way! You're all the Irish I can handle" They both laugh as Mark drives Jack to his house.

~End of Flash Back~

That's the last time Mark has laughed in a long time. Without realizing it tears start to form in Mark's eyes. He quickly wipes them away as he looks back up and sees Jack approaching him. Assuming he is drunk, because Mark can't think of any other reason Jack would come up to him, Mark tries to escape. He quickly stands up and looks around but can't seem to find anywhere to go, there are people everywhere

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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