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Carina cried profusely, sitting in her bed which was located near the window in her bedroom. Hayden had just informed her on her mobile phone that their relationship could not longer prolonged because he was going to get marry to a rich, well-educated and gorgeous girl from a foreign country. His father's best friend had made a proposal for his daughter to get marry to Hayden. His father had made the necessary arrangements. Although, he wasn't ready for marriage yet, he had to go along with the proposal to please his father.

Carina and Hayden had only known each other for a merely five month period. They went out a few times and spoke to each other abundantly on the phone, but Hayden meant the world to Carina. He was her dream guy in appearance and personality. Hayden was slim and tall in stature. Every feature in his face was neat and handsome, cat eyes, pink lips, straight nose and smooth skin, like he was designed by the creator himself. 'God knows what you desire in your heart so he made that special person for you to fall in love with.' Carina believed in heart and soul Hayden was the one. Low and behold, she cried herself out that particular night. 'You can't be strong all the time.' Sometime you just need to be alone and let your tears out,'

The golden twinkling stars sparkled brightly that night. It was a beautiful moonlit night. The neighborhood was quiet. The cold wind embraced her soft and warm skin, as her thoughts penetrated her mind like a fierce bullet. The thoughts of never seeing him and never being with him again, though, he said they would still be friends made her felt horrible and sick. After such, she made her delicate and fragile being fall asleep.

A white ray of light gleamed on her bright face. It shone in the whole bedroom, as if waking her up to tell her, "It's a new day." "Get up and explore." "New endeavors may be in store for you," but his efforts were in vain. The past still haunted her like a ghost town. Carina crept out of bed to get her personal hygiene done. She dressed herself for work, brushing the long, black eyelashes of her eyes then painting her lips fuchsia pink with a thin brush and powdering her fair skin. She combed her long, brunette hair, leaving it loose and open, just clipping a small neat muff at the front, giving it a styled, fashioned look. Carina looked like eighteen though she was in her early twenties.

"Cari, Cari," called her mother. "Your breakfast is on the table." Carina chewed the food slowly as she thought of a day without Hayden. She wondered if he would still call her or choose to forget about her totally and embrace his new girlfriend. She looked at the time and abruptly hurried downstairs to her gold mustang convertible. Her mom helped her with the bags and files. "Goodbye, enjoy your day." "Thank you mom," replied Carina, promptly, as she drove for work. The distance to work was an half an hour drive. She reminisced about the good times she and Hayden had together, while her mind was being caught up in the music being played in her car. The way he held her closely to his body when he kissed her, stroking her long hair slowly with love and care, as if to extend the kiss. She never once thought love would end so slowly. Carina parked the car in the large car park of the Refinery Company,

She took out her belongings and rushed to her office. The big glass door was pushed by her small fingers as she hurried up the stairs and opened the office door with the key. Carina was an Accounts Executive Officer. She held a high rank in the company and was assigned to large and numerous tasks dealing with the flow of money in income and expenditure of the company. Carina pressed the power button of her computer which laid on the big and white desk in her office. She guided the mouse to the start icon on the screen, while sitting on her soft and high spinning chair, typed her username, password and selected accounts. Today she will begin the Balance Sheet of the company. It was the month of December and a Balance Sheet was drawn up to balance the accounts of each fiscal year.

Though, she was busy setting up her work. Her thoughts still reminded her of Hayden. He was a Project Coordinator and partly owner of the company where he worked. His work involved designing buildings, highways, roads and schools. He lived in a different city from where she lived. Though, they were far apart at that moment, he was still close to each her at heart, reminiscing on every moment they were together. She tucked him away in a very special place in her heart.

The clock chimed at first' o clock. She hurried down the stairs to the company's canteen. Carina ordered Chicken Salad, her favorite food for lunch. She accompanied her colleagues to enjoyed her lunch period. They talked about what going on in their lives during lunchtime. After, Carina related about the break-up of Hayden to her friends. Amanda and Mindy told her, "You should move on with your life girl." "There are many young guys in the company who will love to take you out and make you their lifetime partner," but Carina said she wasn't attracted to anybody in the company. "Full stop." "I plan to remain single and see how life goes on," said Carina.

At 3:00p.m, she played Bejeweled Blitz and Candy Crush Soda Saga on her computer until 4:00p.m, since her daily tasks for the day were finished. Carina drove her gold mustang convertible to her home at 4:10p.m. She was greeted by her family and nephew. They inquired about her day at work. She replied, "The same as always." "Great." In the evening Carina was taking a bath and her thoughts lead her to Hayden. 'I'll always think of someone who's close to my heart and that someone is you.' 'If you go away, I'll die.' (I guess that's the feeling you get when you lose your first love.) She felt that while drying herself with a big blue beach towel in her room. She thought, 'life must go on.' It does not matter if your first true love had broke your heart. There must be some kind of hope. She wasn't sure 'what' she was thinking of but she planned at that very moment to enjoy every moment of life and the beauties life brings and not let anything or anyone ruin it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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