the enemy

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When I was 6 I met you depression a thick cloud of ash, darkness and mad destruction you were my shadow my best friend

while the boys on the playground told me I couldn't play because i was "a girl" you said I didn't need them and you'll protect me so we sat inside for recess I trusted you because you were all I had you made me think you were that I needed

Our favorite game we played is hide n seek

I try to hide from you and you find me every time

3rd grade The doctor told me I was over weight it was as if she put a target on my back, I was known as that fat kid that drove you mad, you took over my life built yourself a home inside me you shielded me from the light suffocating me in you're darkness drowned me in you're shadows then left me broken for years

today I'm 14 you aren't my friend you're my enemy rapid deadly thoughts rush though my head like a twisted dangerous river I'm drowning in and no matter how loud I scream no one can hear me the scars woven on my body seep to deep and now are apart of me

I'm still stuck with you it will always be the same

I try to tame the pain

That You leave in my brain

But everyday I find myself knocking on deaths door begging him to let me in because you depression ARE KILLING ME

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