"Adulting (v): to do grown up things and hold responsibilities such as, a 9-5 job, a mortgage/rent, a car payment, or anything else that makes one think of grown ups"
-Urban DictionaryAdulting is difficult...especially when you are new to the whole idea of adulthood, but what is it really? My version of adulting is experiencing things that make your life more challenging. No, that does mean the algebra question you had in math class that one day that made you sh*t your pants. It's being responsible for so much more than just your homework or chores.
School doesn't really teach about the real life, just fun factors you may come across later in your life. This book, guide, or whatever name you decide to name it will go over fatal mistakes I have (you could) make and things to be ready for when you turn the ripe age of 18. I present you, Adulting.Disclaimer: Adulting may contain swearing, derogatory marks, or horrible puns.