Emmett and nicole?

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We sat in my car in the schools parking lot.   "I can't believe we are give us a try." Emmett sighed a smile on my face I slowly leaned over and gave her a peck on the lips. "Me either, I know this will work out." I signed I smiled as we both got out and made our way into the school. Emmett grabbed my hand and looked at me with a smile.  Everyone looked at us. I saw a girl with black hair walk up to us. "Who's this Emmett?" She asked while signing. I stayed back a little watching them argue. Emmett looked at me and signed "this is my ex bay." I looked at bay and said "I'm Nicole." She rolled her eyes and walked away. "She still loves you I think." I signed Emmett shook his head and signed "she moved on." I shook it off and smiled he grabbed my hand and we walked into class. We walked in and we sat down in our seats. "Okay everyone get out your books and turn to chapter 7 and read it I have to go to the office for a second." The teacher signed i grabbed my book and opened it to where I stopped at. I read on since I didn't want to read it in class like the others do. Honestly im on chapter 10 which is the second to last. Chapter the book was actually good. I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked over to see it was emmett. I sat the book down. "Emmett what are you doing?" I signed. He smirked and went back to reading. All I could Do was just read and ignore his hand. I mean he is my boyfriend. As I went back to reading. I felt his hand move away. The door to the classroom opened. The teacher walked in. "Okay class, I know some of you are done with the chapter so can someone tell me about it?" The teacher signed I looked down at my book and continued reading I know she wouldn't pick me because one. She doesn't like me.

I heard the bell ring. I stuff my stuff in my backpack and walked out of the room. Emmett followed me. He grabbed my hand. Both of us walking to lunch. Where we sat with my sister and daphne. I think I saw bay sitting there. She hates me I think. I sighed as I got my food and walked to the table to sit down. Emmett came and sat down beside me as we sat across from bay, my sister, and daphne.

"So your Nicole emmetts always telling me about you." Daphne signed I nodded looking at her "yea I'm Nicole and it's nice to see you and really he does?" I signed she nodded "yeah he does." She signed I started giggling a little and looked up at emmett. Who was smiling at me. "Wanna go somewhere?" He signed I nodded "sure." I signed standing up I waved bye to them. "Oh and sis you can drive my car home if you want to." I signed watching as she nodded me and Emmett walked away. "You and your sister must have a good bond." Emmett signed I nodded as we walked to his motorcycle. I grabbed the helmet and got on wrapping my arms around him. Smiling as we rode off of school grounds. The wind hit my face making me squint my eyes. I wonder where we are going. I smiled closing my eyes letting the wind hit me:

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