My Birthday With One Direction

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Hi everyone! This is a mass story, it's meant as a gift to one of my best friends Madi!! Happy birthday Madi :) I hope you like it... Hope any one else reading enjoys it too! Not going to lie... I was very tired towards the end. So my editing may not be the best... Hopefully I'll get to editing it soon! But yeah... Vote, comment, tell everyone about it :) And I'm always looking for characters to throw into my stories... and other settings! So if you live in narnia too tell me where you're from! Drop a comment if you'd like to be in one! Much love, Caitlin xx


I reached over and turned off my phone alarm. Today’s the day! A few days ago I entered a contest on 94.1, the winner got to go down to the station and participate in another contest to win VIP tickets to see One Direction, the greatest band of all time and my one true obsession. Well, I’d actually won the first contest, picked randomly, and today I was going to the radio station for another contest to actually win the tickets.

I got out of bed and walked down the hall to my bathroom taking a quick shower. When I was done I walked back into my room, picked up my phone and looked through all of my new texts. Most of them were from twitter… the boys tweeting about how they were on their way to Nebraska for their concert on Saturday. The day before my birthday I might add…

I kept scrolling until I reached one from Caitlin. ‘Ohmygosh Madi I can’t believe your birthday is in TWO DAYS! You’re getting old… OH! And good luck at the radio station today, I’ll be listening :) You better win those damn tickets…’ Caitlin is one of my best friends along with our other friend Kailyn.

A couple weeks ago when we tried to get tickets it failed… miserably. We had gotten up two hours early just to sit at the computer. The minute we tried we couldn’t get through, my computer froze and when it reloaded everything was SOLD OUT! So I’m kind of feeling the pressure today to win these tickets… I typed back a quick response, ‘Haha I know two more days and I’ll be 16! Crazy… and I’m freaking out don’t pressure me! xx’

I walked over to my laptop and turned it on. I opened twitter and sent a quick tweet to each of the boys. ‘@zaynmalik @Real_Liam_Payne @NiallOfficial @Louis_Tomlinson @Harry_Styles Heading down to the radio station later today to try and win tickets to see you! Wish me luck? Ps my birthday is in two days… incase you were wondering ;) xx’

I sent the tweet and walked over to my closet to try and decide what to wear for the contest. I ruffled through it throwing things aside and finally settling on a bright red pair of chinos with a long sleeved navy and white striped shirt accessorized with some suspenders and some grey TOMS. Very appropriate I think… then I walked over to my vanity and put on a little makeup lining my brown eyes and then putting on some mascara. I french braided my hair loosely to the side and secured it with a hair tie.

After I was dressed I looked at the clock, 12:30. Still two hours until I had to be at the radio station. My phone pinged and I picked it up expecting a text back from Kailyn but instead I saw a notification from twitter. ‘@zaynmalik: Good luck love! And happy early birthday ;)’ Holy shit Zayn Malik tweeted me… Almost instantaneously I had 80 new followers and 50+ retweets.

I started screaming… “Mom! Mooooommmm… Zayn Malik tweeted me! Oh my gosh MOM!” “Madi… what are you shouting about?” She yelled from the bottom of the steps. I was actually shaking right now… “Zayn Malik tweeted me saying good luck and happy birthday…” My mom knows how much I love the boys and she sure knows how to fangirl so we start jumping around the room singing One Thing.

I immediately called Caitlin and Kailyn putting them on conference call. “Guys Zayn Malik just tweeted me…” I said still not believing it. They both gasped and I heard a chorus of ‘Holy shit’s and ‘No flacking way’s. Then we all broke out screaming while I started jumping around again. After a couple of minutes I was out of breath so we stopped and Kailyn started talking, “What did he say?” “Well I tweeted him about the contest today and my birthday Sunday and he responded Good luck and happy early birthday!” I said panting a little. Yet again the screaming started.

My Birthday With One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now