My Boss Is A Biatch...

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Ok i tried writing this story before and after months of writing my computer decided to be a lil b****** and reboot, deleting all of my documents. I guess its my fault for not backing it up but ah well. Im gonna try writing it again since i still have the notes of the first chapter in my notebook.

Here goes.....

Rule number 1: Bosses are your enemy. Whenever they seem to be acting suddenly human and almost...well....nice, the throw it back in your face. Literally.

I chewed my lip impatiently, waiting for Claire's rant to be over.

She's my boss by the way.

Full name should be Bitch Boss From Hell (made that up just now hehe ^_^) , gosh why does she have to over react to everything and anything I do. She's deliberatly picking on me and i know it, probably jealous that i actually HAVE a social life...she probably doesnt even know the meaning of the word.

A involentary giggle escapes my lips which i immediatly transfer to afew realistic coughs. Claires eyes narrow but her mouth doesnt stop moving. Thank Jeebus i took Drama in Gsce or i would have been screwed...anyways where was i....oh yeah, she was delibaratly picking on me, has been all week actually. Think I'm over reacting? Well this is what i've got introuble for this week alone:


I'm slightly hungover...ever so slightly and ive also had like 2hours of sleep so as you can imagine, this isnt the best day to start a new job, but me, being Miss Resiliant Worker (:D) manages to climb/hobble out of bed and make it too work on time, go me :D.

So put yourself in my shoes for a sec; i wanna make a good first impression. Fit in. Work hard (or at least appear to be)

So what does every 'proffesional' office worker do? get coffee. woop woop! Coffee. Nothing better than brown gloop in a paper cup.

The coffee machine is a intimidating little thing, shiny too. Makes me feel kind of underdressed and i'm the one in a suit.

I press afew buttons and everything seems to be going well, I'm even starting to hum 'I'm walking on sunshine', starting to stir my cup as i hum, yanoo as ya do, when....BAM, she's there. It takes me afew seconds to register that theres someone behind me (the chorus is quite catchy) but the air suddenly seems colder, and the foul smell of stale coffee and cat litter wafts lightly under my nose

I turn slowly and there she is.

I stutter an apoligy but her crisp sharp voice cuts through the air...and me for a matter of fact, like a knife.

''Emma is it'' her eyes fall to my name tag, this is awkward, like shes checking me out...i'm not a lesbian, appart from that one time...but that didnt count, all we did was...sorry i have a short attention span, i should be listening shouldnt I.

''.....used up far too much of your alotted time, this buisness is run on a prompt schedule, relying on the strict punctuality and seriousness of the..'' (sorry but she started whistling through her teeth, it was too painful to listen)

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