Isisabel was sit in her office. suddelee, vullger walkd in, exept he lukd different then normal. he was soked in red koolaids, a funhy smeeling red koolaids. he walked up to isisabells's desk while hol;idng his ax. "Mr. Mayor, what are you going to do with that axe?" The ax is alo covrd in red kolaids. Vullhgr stared at isisabelkle. isisiabill started blooooooooooshing, her face as rid AS TJE koolsaids on the ax. vilgr wealked out of the town hALL, GESTURFING FOR ISSABEL TO FOLOW HIM. isabel nboticed that biscuit was not oputside watering his flower like he alweays does at thois tim. biscuit's flowrrs also had rel koolaids on them. "Mr mayor, do you knowe what ha0ppened to bisicuit, he's nopt watering his flowetrs right nopw." vilgr pointed to hids ax, makeing a slicing gesture acorss his throat. isisabel suddednly got bery scraed. vilgr wrote down that busiucuit had a crush on isabele, so he had to eleminate him. vilgr blushed as red as the blood on biscuits flowrs.