chapter 2 mario kart tendency

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doorframe had one question for satan. it was unlike any other question that ever was real. and like there are a lot of real questions ok. like so many probably like 200. doorframe said "uncle satan, can i get mario kart 8 extreme edition deluxe 3000 for my nitendo furutre wiii 30000." and uncle satan was like "sure i'll just kill someone so the grime reaper can come and take there copy. then they can suffer forever in hell because every moment not playing mario kart is suffering." thank you dad' said doorframe. 

doorframe waitded and waitded forever. but he never got hsi mario kart copy. later he asked satan about his request.

"oh yes i've filed the paper with the grime reaper but he has a lot of things to process right now so there isn't much i can do....."

"aw man" said doorframe. he was so totally bummed out.

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