The Ominous Note

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"You have mail, Levina!" A woman in the kitchen shouted to her teenage granddaughter. The teenage girl was named Levina Eagle, and she was a special young woman. She was a witch. Though it was still slightly taboo to call herself that in front of Non-magic folks or No-Maj as they were called in the wizarding world.

Levina came running down the stairs excitedly. She slid into the kitchen and gave her grandmother a big hug then took the letters and packages out of her hand. There were about ten of them. She tore each of them open practically bursting with happiness. The first was a letter from her boyfriend Wilbur Verlander. She started dating him last year after Charlotte finally got over her crush on him and started dating a Pukwudgie fourth year. His birthday had been earlier this month so she bought him a really nice Broom Kit. This letter was a combination thank you note and birthday gift as Levina just turned thirteen that morning. Inside the envelope there was a card and a beautiful necklace with a gold chain and a small gold heart. She opened the heart up and there was a picture of Wilbur looking at her and winking. She smiled and put the locket on. Levina opened the card and it sang For He's a Jolly Good Fellow, but with an obvious failed attempt the charm it to say "She's a jolly good lady." She laughed and closed the card.

Levina shifted through her other cards coming to one from her friend Balthazar. She ripped it open and took the card out. It was a moving postcard of Balthazar and his family at the beach. Balthazar was smiling widely and waving, but his mother wasn't so happy at the sight of Levina. She was frowning at Levina with a look of disgruntlement.

Balthazar's mom did not like Levina. She thought that she was a bad influence on him ever since Levina and Balthazar snuck out of Ilvermorny to save a Thunderbird named Frank. Levina couldn't help but think that Balthazar's mother was almost right. On the other hand Balthazar's father was certain that Levina was the key to Balthazar's eventual success. What Balthazar's brother thought Levina hadn't a clue. Bastien, according the the picture, was a strapping man. He stood a head taller than his father and had a beautiful white smile and nice brown hair. He was even dressed fashionably. Levina felt bad for Balthazar. He was kinda short and a little on the heavy side compared to the strapping man he was standing next to.

Levina flipped the postcard and read the back.

Dear Levina,

Sorry I couldn't get you anything for your birthday. I promise to give you your gift when we get back to school. Holiday's been a little hectic especially since Bastien decided he wanted to pay for a vacation for my family. We went to Salem, Massachusetts to pay our respects to the witches and wizards that were hunted there then we visited some Indian tribes that practice magic without wands. Honestly I cannot wait to get back to Ilvermorny. I don't think I can stand being with my family for much longer. Dad keeps telling me to improve my test scores, and mom keeps telling me to make better friends. I can't wait to see you in September. I've got a lot of stuff to tell you that I heard in various parties.

Your friend,

Balthazar Cook

Levina set the card down and smiled. She picked up a small package and smiled as she recognized the handwriting on it. Unlike the other letters this was from someone she never actually met, but rather someone she started corresponding with after she received a thank you letter from him. It was from a Newt Scamander.

Levina first received a letter from him at Ilvermorny after she returned Frank to his mate and him home, and Professor Inka Frost, her Magical Beasts Professor, wrote him and told him the news. The letters usually entailed her asking questions about Magical Beasts that didn't live in the Brazos Valley and her genuine curiosity over all things foreign to her. It didn't quite hit her that she was writing to one of the world's leading authorities on Magical Beasts until she saw his book in the window of Halifax Books while she was in Horizon Alley. She didn't buy it though. It wasn't required reading for Magical Beasts, and she was always low on money because of how much loved buying things for her cat.

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