With in her blood

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She lay silently against the rocks, closer to the edge then ever before. She knew if she was a inch closer she would fall, thats what she wanted. Carry couldnt take it anymore, she couldnt handle knowing it all- seeing it everytime she closed her eyes, hearing it everytime it was quit, and even tasting the blood...

  Chapter One- The Start

  John and Michelle were married for so long (ten years to be exact) before the finally found the child...

This couple- the Alontos were so unlucky and before they were a couple it was worse. The two were not able to have children due to their past.

   Jonhs past was bruetle and extremely difficult to understand. He was not a normal boy he was the cause of a vampires and whitchs consievement. John was unable to have friends and was only aloud of his small cage three times a day to hunt for creatures in a small wooded area. His parents were murded/convicted after he turned 5 months so he was forced to be with a foster family of only boys.

okay guys this is just so far but i have to get back to my health work in school so i will write and rewrite more later

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2014 ⏰

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