A Long Needed Break

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"It can't be!" Twilight Sparkle was saying out loud in her sleep. She then felt her entire body being shaken before her eyes opened widely, to see rather than her evil counterpart, Midnight Sparkle, Next to her was her dog Spike, who had nudged her awake. He was safe and sound. She then looked up to see her friends, Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer, looking at her from their seats, the former with a wide grin while the latter was looking at her with a concerned expression. They were fine as well. Twilight looked around to see that she still on the bus with the rest of the peers to their destination, Camp Everfree. Everything was as normal as could be.

"What can't be? That we're going to the most fun place on the entire earth or at least in the entire country?! Well, it's true!" Pinkie Pie told her happily as she got a bag of marshmallows from her hair and clutched it tightly.

"Twilight, is everything all right?" Sunset asked her, as Twilight let out a nervous laugh.

"O-of course it is! Everything is normal." She said in a fake cheery tone. In reality, it was the opposite. This was the 4th nightmare she had about Midnight Sparkle coming and erasing away all of her friends before taking over her body. She clutched herself to feel more secure.

"With that yelling, you could've have woken up Sonic." Tails told her from the seat behind. Twilight and her two friends along with Spike turned around to see Sonic was fast asleep on his seat next to Tails. He was snoring loudly.

"He's still sleeping? He's been out since we left?" Rainbow Dash said from a seat ahead as she was seated next to AppleJack.

Tails shrugged. "Sonic woke up pretty early this morning, which is something he hates to do. If he can't get his 8 hours of sleep, he won't be able to run properly." He explained as all eyes were on the napping blue-haired teen.

"I wonder what he's dreaming about?" Manic asked from the seat across as he sat next to Silver, who was enjoying the scenery as they drove past.

"Probably all the marshmallows we'll have when we get there!" Pinkie guessed happily as she rubbed her cheek against the marshmallow bag.

"That's what you'd dream about." Rainbow Dash responded

Sonic then began to stir a bit. "You know everything I'm going to do, but that's not going to help you since I know everything you're going to do, strange isn't it?" He mumbled to himself as the others laughed after hearing such a weird quote. Twilight let out a small smile. Guess she wasn't the only one who talked in their sleep.

Twilight then began to look around the bus. As she looked back, she saw Rarity, who was looking at herself in a small mirror as she was with Fluttershy, who was reading through a pamphlet which described the nature of Camp Everfree. Across from them was Knuckles, who was eating some grapes as a quick snack. Seated next to him was Shadow, with his arms folded and an expression which showed he'd rather be somewhere else as he stared into space. His eyes then met Twilights. As he did, Shadow gave her a tiny glare, which took Twilight back a little as she turned away from him and looked ahead to see Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna in the front as they were making an announcement.

"We hope you make as many memories at camp as we did." Luna was saying.

"I hope you're all ready for Camp Everfree!" Celestia as most of the bus burst into loud cheers. It was then interrupted by the loud snoring of Sonic, as the entire bus turned back to him. He was drooling now. Some students snickered as Luna frowned while Celestia just shrugged as the bus headed towards the camp. After not too long, the bus entered the camp entrance with as Fluttershy, Spike, Silver and Pinkie Pie looked out, with Pinkie being really excited. Sunset and Rarity were both checking their phones as Manic looked out with a bored expression. Rainbow Dash started to burst with excitement as Knuckles stretched his arms. Shadow just still looked disinterested as Twilight looked ahead in front of her. AppleJack had joined Sonic in his napping but she was much more discrete about it. Finally, the bus entered the campgrounds and came to a halt. The students then began to get off as Sonic woke up after making a loud yawn. He looked and saw that they were at the camp.

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