Hey Jordan can you do something for me."Said Mom" Yes what will i have to do for you. You only have to get me some water. said mom I remember what i said in my head that day You Have Your Own Hands So Get It Your Self, but i really said OK with water sorry i mean ice, I forgot that you don't like ice in your water."I said" Let us speed things up. I was riding my bike and i stopped to take a break cause i have been outside for an hour. I stopped at my special place and that day my whole life changed that day. I started to hear some sounds it was only music than voices plus some yelling and hitting but not people just things then it got closer,only some of the voices. So i said to my self that i will scream and see what happens. It took me about 3 seconds then at that moment i did it and i jumped on my bike and rode of as fast as I could.when i tryed to scream i said instead I said YEE HALL at the top of my longes then when I got to the top of the hill. There was a red car with two peole a man and a woman. The ladied said something to the man and he got out and took me. I rember that i had a half chared ipod and earbuds, but i do rember something else that the man ingeted something in my arm and i feel a sleep. Then i woke up at this place it looks like a huge sewer. I saw there was 6 of us and thier names were Corey, Sam, Luke, Johna,Peepea and my name is Jordan. I found out from Sam that there is some schedule something like that. The whole time i was here i was wondering WHY ARE WE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! i heard i am going to do something else than everybody else Sam said that was wierd, because everbody all ways does the same torcher all together. Hey Jordan Can i talk to you "sam said". Yea what is it "Jordan". Well i was thinking why you have to do something else then us. So i found this notebook and a broken pencil so can you write or tell us what they are going to make you do is ok. Oh and can you put it in code. What is the code? "Jordan". Oh yeah i forrgot i never gave you the code. This is what it looks like but first i will give you are code names Sam - Kilo Luke - Tango Jonha - Lima Corey - Panam Joe Peepea - Oscara and yours will be JJ no Juliette No I got it Zulu NO!!!!!! This one is perfect for you Jor. If you don't like it just tell me later for now I will call you Jor ONLY when we are out other than that CALL US BY ARE NAME IF YOU DON'T BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!!!. Now you can talk. I am good you will tell me the.... What are you kids doing you should be in pain now!!! So today we will be doing your tasks. Get To Work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jordan come here you will have an different task. "Vinny said" I walked over to him before i did i said to Sam i will. She said good luck.
Last Ones
Mystery / Thrillerit is a about a girl that is taken and placed in a sewer like place. She and her friends hope to get out and rember what the people who took them, were looking for. So they can get it first.