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If you've read the description,


That means you might be intrested in this book.

But first if you're going to do anything, make following Kaylitas one of them. She's really awesome, her writing is amazing, and she accepted this challenge.

At first we wanted to make this a thing, but then we were like:


So this will be a challenge that we do on a regular basis (once or twice a month to be exact) depending on the circumstances. It is a series that  CasuallyCollabing will be doing. So, pretty please don't steal this idea!

We've worked so hard to build up this account and this challenge. We literally have ten stories in the making.

So without further ado, let's start this series! Hope you enjoy! And remember:

YOU guys are the judges. Comment sections and voting on the chapters are only a bit of what you can do.

Spread the word to everyone you know on Wattpad who might be interested in poetry. The tag is #CHALLENGEACCEPTED!

Stress | CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! Series | CasuallyCollabing vs KaylitasWhere stories live. Discover now