Who Is She

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Andy's pov: "Ok, I Just Need To Focus On The Positive.. Let Nobody Get To Me.. Even Though so many people make fun of me" He said as he was getting ready to leave the house, then his mother yelled into his room "Andy!! Hurry Up, Your Going To Be Late!!" He yelled back down at her "Oh Whatever.. I Still Have" He looked at his clock "2 Minutes Until The Bus Comes" He Prosesed What He Said And Started running Out to the bus stop "Bye Mom, I Don't Want to Be late On My First Day" as he got up to the bus stop he saw a girl and a black hoodie and slowly walked up to her "Umm.. miss.. are you new here this is the bus for high school Is, and you don't look like a high school student" he said looking at her with her hood up not revelling any of her face. She replied "I know.. I'm a high school student.." Andy straightened up when he heard her voice, her angelic voice, it was so sweet.. he started to speak again "Oh, I'm Sorry.. you look a little old to be a high school student.. are you new here?" He asked with a happy face thinking she would respond before the bus came, but she didn't, because the bus had gotten there when he asked the question.. so she had no time to reply. On the bus Andy Sat In His Normal Seat: in the back behind one of the bullies, as in the front bus stop and the bus driver were yelling at each other.. well the bus driver was yelling at her and she was just sitting there ignoring her.. as I was looking up there my phone got a text.. as I read it I started getting chills.. here's exactly what it said "Listen, I Know Who You Are.. You Don't Know Who I Am.. So I'm just going To Cut To The Case.. If You Do What I Say.. You Get A Prize.. If You Don't.. You Get Hurt.. or I'll hurt someone you love.. just do what I say.. ok.. the first thing your going to need to do is.. get me.. a strip of Clair Borsten, your ex girlfriends, hair.. and leave it on Alexis​ Dawson's door step and tape it down.. make it obvious.. and also but some of Chad Jaxon's hair down next to it.. make it like they were making out on her doorstep right after Chad left.. because everyone knows that Chad and Alexis are dating.. this will make everyone mad"

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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