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"How far until we get to the stadium?"I asked as we passed a couple of abandon apartments."My legs are starting to hurt".

"We gotta walk a little bit further and then will be able to take a break but for now try to stay on your feet and watch your back"Garrett said as I looked at him.

"Where are we going stop at because all these buildings look all crumpled and damaged badly?"

Garrett looked at something to his left as if he heard something and then looked at me. He motioned me to find someplace to hide. I looked around for something to hide behind and noticed a barrier standing right in front of the sidewalk. I jumped over the barrier and peeked over it. A man wearing a red shirt,leather jacket,grey combat pants, and black boots stepped out of an alleyway looking around for something.

He shouted out somebody's name that I didn't recognize "Mariana". I looked around trying to find Garrett but he was hiding in a place that I couldn't see. The man looked at the barrier I was hiding at and walked over to it. I didn't understand, there was no way he could have seen me or Garrett unless he was standing on a rooftop or was hiding out of sight. He stopped walking maybe a few feet away from the barrier and said something else " I'm not gonna hurt you so just stop hiding".

I didn't know if he was talking to me or himself but after a second he turned around and walked off back into the alleyway. I stood up and shouted Garrett's name a few times and then I heard him telling me to be quiet and crouch over to where he was. I asked where he was hiding and he said behind the mailbox across from where I was standing. I went over there and he told me just to wait a few minutes just to make sure that the guy was gone. We waited a little bit and then started walking again.
                                                                                                                          3 Hours Later

"Who do you think that guy was and why do you think he was following us?"I said as Garrett and I walked across a white pavement on the road."I don't know and I don't wanna think about it".We continued walking for a little bit until he asked me a question I had asked myself before "Who is Mariana?".I told him I didn't know and I didn't know the man either.

As we kept walking we could see a house maybe a few yards away."We can camp there for the night"Garrett said as he also noticed the house. When we got to the house it looked a little dirty and some of the floorboards were creaky but the place did look safe and I think we could last the night. I stepped into one of the rooms and noticed the couch right in the middle of the huge room." I call dibs"Garrett said as he jumped stomach first onto the couch.

I walked out of the room and looked around the house to see if I can find another room to sleep in. I walked into a smaller room that had a bed and a dresser. I opened the dresser and saw a Pistol,AK,And Three cans of food. This was our luckiest day yet. I shouted Garrett's name and he rushed into the room like I was I was in trouble or something.

"Look inside this dresser" I said as Garrett walked over."Holy Shit"Garrett said as he picked up the AK."I haven't fired one of these things since I was in the army" He said as he looked at the trigger assembly of the gun. I looked at the cans and noticed all of them were bean cans."I wonder why someone left these here for grabs?"

I took the Pistol out of the dresser and walked out of the room. When I stepped into the living room there was a picture on the wall that made me a little sad.

The photo looked a little old but it reminded me of my family which had died when the outbreak started."What are you looking at?'' Garrett asked as he stepped into the room a second later."Oh shit he said as he also stared at the picture."Let's just keep searching the house and we can use the painting for fire wood later alright".

Garrett walked away and I went upstairs to check if there was something else. When I got to the top step I could hear something coming from the next room straight in front of me. I opened the door and I just fainted.

Garrett's P.O.V 

"Kate are you alright?" I shouted as I looked up at the stairway. I didn't hear anything upstairs so I got worried and ran up the stairs. A door was open and I could see Kate's legs outside of the door. I looked inside the doorway and there was a kid laying on the ground maybe a few feet away. I put my hand over my mouth and started sobbing. I walked over to the kids body and noticed that someone had shot him.

I noticed the bite on his arm and I realized that he had gotten infected. I picked up the kid and walked out the room,down the stairs,and out the house.
I laid the kid on the grass and picked up an old shovel laying on the ground not to far from me. It took me maybe 15 minutes to finish digging the hole. I picked up the kid and laid him down in the hole." I'm sorry that you had to die kid, you didn't deserve to die."I dug the hole back up and said one final word before going back into the house."May you rest in peace kid."

Kate walked out of the house and gave me a hug. We both walked inside and locked the door behind us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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