Jily Headcannons

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James awoke with a start.

Where was he? Was he taken? What happened?

Relief suddenly flooded him.

His name was James Potter. He was a wizard. He was in his house, in Godric Hollow, England. Nothing happened. He sighed again, this time of warmth and comfortable-ness and general happiness, as he was under his blankets in his familiar bed. He stretched out his arm, his fingertips seeking the warmth of the woman he loved, his wife, his eyes closed.

He sat bolt upright. There was only the empty smooth canvas of his mattress, some tangled sheets, and a bent pillow beside him.

Immediately, he thought of the worst. Had they taken the love of his life, had they taken Lily? She was expecting a baby, they had found out last week; what about him or her? He couldn't be able to live with himself if the Death Eaters had harmed them because of him.

He almost had to slap his own face to remind himself of logic. No, they wouldn't take them without taking him. Not when he was perfectly vulnerable, asleep. So where was Lily?

He got up quietly, shoving his square glasses on to his face and grabbing his wand from his nightstand. He padded silently across their bedroom, down the hallway, and peered into the kitchen.

He almost gasped of relief, and then actually gasped. There was Lily. She was alright, and she was wearing his white shirt, tied into a knot and pulled back so as to not interfere with her cooking of the eggs and bacon.

And she wasn't wearing pants.

She was wearing her navy blue underwear, of course, but nothing else in the bottom section, unless you counted the black flip flops on her feet. As she heard the gasp, she turned to the source of the sound; her fiery orange hair bounced, her almond-shaped green eyes sparkled and her nose crinkled in that way he found adorable.

He stepped into view, all of a sudden self-conscious of his less-than-attractive wrinkled red and dark green plaid pajama pants and his black hair, that was sticking up at the back. His shirt was being occupied by Lily, so he didn't have one on.

She laughed and put a hand slightly above her hip, on the bare strip of skin under her shirt, the other arm hung beside her, grabbing her wand. "Are you just gonna stand there, or what?"

He stood there, his mouth slightly open, as if he were asleep again. Noticing this, she said, "You drool in your sleep." She chuckled, and that was enough to snap him out of of his speechlessness.

"You look really good, Evans." he mumbled dumbly.

"Yeah, well that's Potter to you, Potter," she said with a smile. "It's Lily Potter now."

He grinned. "Thats really all I need in life," he announced suddenly. "Food, magic, and my wife." Then, as if an afterthought, he added, "And my little baby boy or girl." He glanced down at Lily's stomach.

Lily covered it defensively. "I'm not bulging yet, not that much!" She said, her voice annoyed, but she smiled.

James put up his hands in surrender. "I didn't say you did!" He said with a laugh.

Suddenly, Lily walked quickly to her favorite chair in the living room, clutching her stomach, where the baby would be. "James," she whispered, "This baby is here because of us. He's ours."

He looked at her in confusion. "So?"

"So, James, he's ours. His future depends completely on us." He could hear a slight panic in her voice.

He smiled at her and walked to her slowly. He kneeled in front of her.

"Bet he's going to be like you."


"He's going to have your cheek, I can feel it, Lily."

She smiled at him. "I can feel he's going to be good at Quidditch."


"He's already starting to do somersaults."

He grinned. "That's what we need! Another Quidditch player, to make his father proud."

She laughed.

"He just needs his mum's wit and intelligence, and he'll be fine." he stated happily.

"And his dad's bravery, James," she added softly, and he kissed her.

No matter boy or girl, big or small, mother or father's abilities, they were going to be waiting for this baby with open arms.

Jily HeadcannonsWhere stories live. Discover now