Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This story used to be shared with a friend, but it is now just my sister and I writing it. We are completely changing the story because many of our interests have changed and we'd like to revise and edit as well. Hopefully, you'll still like it. At least all of the BTS fans out there. If you're not a fan, you can still read! We'll explain the characters a bit in hopes to help. Enjoy the first chapter!

"Why won't you just let me live my life the way I want to live it? I'm an adult now." I sighed, trying to remain calm as I spoke to my parents. We were arguing quite a bit, and unfortunately, I was taking all of my anger out on them, since I never really told them how I felt before.

It all started last Saturday evening. AJ, my sister and best friend, and I were having one of our famous sleepovers, we've had one every weekend since she moved out. Well, we got bored within the first hour of hanging out (her wifi was down, so we couldn't watch Netflix). Of course, we were stupid young adults and we made a few mistakes. We decided to go out and have a couple of shots. She's 21, so she bought me some shots and we drank some wine in a nice fancy restaurant after that. Then, everything went down hill. We went to a club and she let some guys buy her a few shots and buy me some shots and we got pretty drunk. She got one of their numbers and ended up making out with him for a while after getting drunk. Soon enough, we called a cab, but instead of going home, we went to a tattoo shop. I ended up going back home with blonde tips on my, naturally, red hair; a tattoo of the letters BTS across my wrist; a tattoo of the name GOT 7 on my other wrist; a tattoo on my collar bone of a little heart and infinity sign, that one was a matching one with AJ; and finally, a nose piercing.

Unfortunately for us, AJ didn't give our next cab driver the directions to her apartment, only the directions to my parents house, that I lived in. When we got home, we were drunk off our asses and came in giggling and talking about the cute boys that bought us drinks. Lucky for AJ, she doesn't live in the house and can do whatever she wants. I don't have the same treatment since I still live with my parents and they've said I can't get tattoos until I'm out of the house. I am the youngest, so it's not that I'm making it look bad for little siblings, but they still weren't going to be happy.

My parents jumped a little when the door opened, because we were supposed to be at AJ's house. When they saw us as a giggling mess, they sighed with disapproval, but it wasn't with disappointment until they saw the tattoos and piercing in my face. Dad got both of us some Advil and some water and then he took me up to my room, AJ falling asleep on the couch within minutes.

The next morning I woke up with a terrible headache. I slowly headed downstairs to get some Advil, and I saw my father sitting at the table, my mother on the couch with a very pale and sickly looking AJ.

"Good morning" I mumbled.

My father looked up from his phone and sighed gently. "Sit down please."

"Do you know what you did last night and when you came home?" My mom asked surprisingly calm and quiet.

"No... I'm sorry... I know I made a mistake and I shouldn't have done it..." I look down at my hands, looking at the two tattoos planted on my wrists.

"You can't do things like that when living in our household, we've told you that before." Dad sighs as he sets down his phone to look at me.

"Why won't you just let me live my life the way I want to live it? I'm an adult now." I sighed, trying to remain calm as I grew a bit angry with the situation at hand. "I am able to vote, I pay rent, I go to school, I have a job, and I'm almost 20; why can't I do what I want?"

"You can do whatever you want when we're not the ones putting a roof over your head and feeding you dinner every night." Mom chimes in, looking quite upset with me.

Before I can say anything, AJ comes over and adds something. "Why don't you just let her do what she likes? She's paying y'all for everything she has, it's not like you're giving it to her for free.

"If that's really how you two feel, then Faith can move out." Dad crosses his arms and gives me a stern look.

My brows furrow in anger and confusion. "Move out?"

"Yes. Move out, because you're no longer allowed in my house for breaking my rules." he raises his voice a bit, though clearly trying to remain calm and not become an angry yelling mess.

"Are you seriously kicking me out? You're going to kick your own daughter out?" I ask, not hiding my anger any further, tears began to swell in my eyes as reality hit.

"Yes." Mom says calmly, "We'll give you today to pack.. But you have to be out by dinner. There are some bags in your closet that you can use."

AJ comes over to me and grabs my hand, "I'll help you pack. Looks like I've got me a new roommate." She smiles, trying to stay positive.

Tears begin to flow down my cheeks as I angrily jolt out of my chair, dragging AJ along as I storm to my bedroom to pack my things.

AJ sits me down on my bed and wipes away my tears. "Look lovely, they just need some time to calm down. You''re still their daughter, they still love you. And now, you can come live with someone way cooler," she laughs, "besides hun, they don't know how to allow any of their 'babies' to do what they want. I love you, so you can come live with me until you can afford to get your own place."

I sigh and hug AJ, cooling down some in my sister's warm embrace. "I just want to listen to some BTS, pack real quick, and get out of here before anything worse happens."

AJ smiles and pulls out her phone, clicking on a playlist full of BTS albums and such. "You got it sister!" She laughs softly and begins to pull clothes out of my drawers, folding them neatly to place them in the suitcases from my, seemingly empty, closet.

Within the next few hours, we finished packing and headed to AJ's house where she and her best friend, Em, lived.

"Hey Em! We've got a new roommate!" AJ yelled to Em, who was in the kitchen trying to sneak snacks to her bedroom.

"Alright! Cool with me!" Em yells back, probably aware that it was me. "I like Faith anyway." she smiles and waves at me as she runs to her bedroom.

"Come with me, we've got an extra room you can stay in." AJ smiles and leads me to the extra bedroom.

The bedroom had pink walls and a nice soft gray carpet, the windows had magenta curtains and the bed had a beautiful violet comforter.

"It's very pretty." I say as I lay on the bed and sigh softly, taking in the beautiful colors.

"So, I have an idea." AJ states as she shuts the door.

"What's that?" I ask and sit up to look at her.

"How about..." she smiles mischievously, "we go to South Korea?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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