Stony: What if we say good bye.

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Stony: What if we say good bye.


(In 2014)

Steve was beaten to hell and slowly bleeding out. Steve thought to himself,"Not again," as he made his way to the front of the plane.

"The Plane is going down, Steve you need to get out of there!"

"It's not gonna be a safe landing Tony..." he coughed up blood," if this thing hits the city then hundreds of people are going to die."

There was static in the com as steve sat in the piolts chair.

"Steve you need to get out of there!"

This time Tony's voice was more assertive.

"Steve what about chloe!? What about this family?"

Steve could feel a tear run down his cheek when Tony spoke about there daughter. He didn't want her to grow up with out him or to leave her. But he had to do this or there would be no future for the three year old that sat in Stark Tower.

"Tony she's going to need you to take care of her and be there for her..." steve changed the course of the plane to the north," you need to stay out of the lab and be a father." Steve started to tear up more.

Through the intercom steve could hear Jarvis's warning about loss of power. "Six precent power," said the A.I. repeatedly.

"Tony you need to be there for her and make sure she knows about where she came from and her father."

Tony didnt respond.

"Promise me Tony. I need you to," steve was interupted by his own coughing.

"I promise you Steve. I'll be there for her."

"Power at three percent."

"I love you Tony,"

" I love you Ste-,"

The communications got cut off when the Iron man armor finally lost power. Steve was now alone making his way out to sea to get the explosives out of civilian reach.

"Not Again."


(3 months earlier)

Steve and tony were sitting watching television when two year old chloe started crying. Tony was about to get up when steve placed his hand on Tony's leg and said,"I'll do it."

As Steve made his way to chloes room he could tell the crying was getting louder. Chloe hardly ever cried so he knew something was wrong. As he entered his daughters room he looked around to see if anyone was in the room and when he found no one he got suspicious. Was there something he couldn't see?

"What's wrong Chloe?" Steve picked up his little girl and started to rock her around,"hush little chloe dont you cry, daddy's here to hold you tight." The sound of Steve's voice stopped Chloe from crying. While she lay there in Steve's arms Tony was leaning against the door way of the room, "you've been holding out on me Steve." The two smiled at each other before steve set chloe back in her crib and made his way out of the room.

"Steve where did you learn that?"

"when I was a child my mom used to sing it to me when my dad came home drunk or i didnt feel good. Both happened regularly during the depression. I just made a few changes to it to fit her."

"Tell me more about your family."

"Really or are you just trying to be nice?"

"I want to know Steve."

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