My theory of Christmas

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So this is my theory of why Christmas is on Jesus's bday

So I think when Jesus was born it was a happy day because we found out that he was going to save everyone so everyone would receive this gift because of him. (See where I'm going cause idk anymore)

So because we received that in the future when the story of Jesus was passed down and what he did people started to realize that he was nice to other and helped them like how he returned the sight of a blind man. So they wanted people to receive the good things too as in return (that's what I'm thinking anyway wonder what Google says)

Anyway so people made up the Joly old Nick aka the fat guy in the red suit aka Santa Claus and also his reindeer and elf's and his also fat and jolly wife ms Claus.

So they made them to make people think u should be nice to others so you will receive good things from a fat guy in a red suit who apparently stalks is and has all of everyone's name on a list and knows where we r and if we good or not (that judge mental hoe) while his elf's are being forced to make toys for the kids being good. And the reindeer in there stalls chillen minding there own business waiting to have to drag a fat man in a sleigh for one whole night around the whole world which is impossible in my opinion I mean the planes even take longer and I bet they faster too cause them reindeer gotta pull a fat man, sleigh, and a huge bag of toys that has all the presents of every kids toys I mean that must be a biiiiiigggg bag (poor reindeer).

Anyway so santa gives the kids gifts like how we were given a gift from God on the same day so we want to make ourselves feel good for being good to others just to receive the toys and stuff. But the only thing u should receive is imaging another blessing and thankful for all the stuff you have.

But to be honest you should be thankful for Jesus being born and eventually dieing so we can be forgiven of sin because you know gosh damn well that nobody's just good so we gotta get r healing.

And that is why Christmas is on the same day as Jesus because we want to receive more blessings because we r selfish humans and want everything I mean our birthdays aren't enough... Of course they aren't for all these rotten kids and there lien ass parents.

The only thing that should be on Christmas and what we should be thankful for is Jesus because without him we wouldn't be able to forgive and WWIII will break out 😊

Some might disagree with the stuff on how we should worry about just Jesus but that's probably because u selfish, u don't believe, or u don't give a damn about this and r just bored and reading this cause u have no life.

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