First day

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You were new in Shingeki High School and you were already lost, "reat I got lost in my first day way to go Y/n" you insulted yourself, then you saw a male with the same uniform as you so you decided to asked him, "excuse me sir, can you tell me wher is the Shingeki High School? I'm actually lost" you asked "I can lead you the way" said the male

You examined the male closely that he had raven hair, pale skin, and steel grey eyes

After leading you the way, you were about to say your thank you but the male just walked passed you

'Very impolite of him I didn't even got the chance to thank him' you thought, "Miss L/n" you heard your name being called, you turned around and saw a woman with medium length messy raven hair and she have a crutch on her left arm and with her is a brunette boy

"You must be Miss L/n, I'm Pieck and this is Marcel, he'll be your guide" Pieck said, you looked over to the boy named Marcel and he was waving at you, you gave him a small smile and he stop waving, "this is your schedule, feel free to ask Marcel, don't worry he don't bite" Pieck jocked then she left

"My name is Marcel, what's your's?" Marcel asked "Y/n, Y/n L/n" you introduced yourself, you then heard the bell rang, "that's our que,what's your first subject?" Marcel asked, you looked at your schedule that Pieck gave and saw that your first subject was English

"English" you said "perfect, I got English as well, let's go" Marcel said

"Hey, Berwick who's that girl?" a blonde male asked making all the students and the teacher's attention into you and Marcel

"you must be Miss L/n, I'm Erwin Smith, it's a pleasure to meet you" the teacher said "thank you Marcel for bringing her here you may now seat, as for you miss L/n, your seat is next to Mr Ackerman, Levi please raise your hand"

You scanned the room looking to the person Mr Smith was talking about, in the corner of the room near to the window you saw a raven haired male raised his hand and you quickly walk through the room making your way to your seat but you didn't look at the male

"Alright bring out your books and open to page so and so" you weren't listening to Mr Smith's lecture because it sounded so boring, then you felt a pair of eyes glaring at you, you turn to your right then your eyes widened as you saw your seat mate were the exact guy that ditch you in front of the school

"What are you doing in here?!" you yelled "Miss L/n would you like to share what you were doing in the class?" Mr Smith asked "N-no sir, I'm very sorry for disturbing the class please continue to your lessons" you apologised

'What is he doing in here?'

Sorry for the spoilers

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