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"Juyeon-ah! Where are the carrots?" Seungkwan yelled, as he goes through a shelf trying to find extra table napkins.

 "Seungkwan! Shouldn't you be helping me carry these boxes?! They're pretty heavy dude!
" shouted Juyeon from across who's currently struggling in trying to carry one of the two more large boxes of carrots just delivered from the market.

 But Seungkwan was looking preoccupied by the counter, and doesn't look like he's getting off that impertinent customer's face. He looks at the cocky customer, narrowing he's eyes, looking from sole to scalp.
Juyeon drops off the box by the side and looks over at Kwan blankly, waiting for his response.

 And by that Juyeon takes the cue that she should just ask another person for the job.

Dusting off her shirt, she went around to go to the break room to look for somebody to help her. Walking through the short, dim-lit corridor, past the closet full of cleaning materials, she looks straight ahead at the backdoor, outside where rain is pouring lightly.

 Looking down before turning to go to the room, Juyeon hears Seungcheol upset over the phone. She stopped in her tracks and thought of what she should do. He seems pissed but worry etches over his voice. It was a conversation Juyeon was pretty sure shouldn't be heard by others, and decides to just leave quietly. But being a curious lazy bum, she hides behind the dusty closet, beside the mop that she took and then held in front of her, close enough to hear him and hidden enough in the darkness to not be seen.

"Yah, Han, I'm coming over there!"
All she could hear were running footsteps and a door opening then closing.


I didn't hear much, what is this.

Juyeon quickly assumed it was 'Hun' she heard, and thought it could be his senior's girlfriend over the phone. She slumps and gets sad at the thought.
Before Juyeon could move away though, she heard running and the door opened again.
Back so soon?

But it sounded different. The door was opened cautiously as if not a regular, PLUS IT'S A BACKDOOR. What customer would use a backdoor?
Juyeon carefully peeked over, but as soon as she did she saw the guy in front of her. He was so tall and everything looked dark around him, as a flash of lightning out of nowhere boomed behind the guy. It was like a scene out of a movie. A horror one at that point.
She got scared and surprised, she lost hold of the mop in her hand, hitting the closet.

The closet had a bucket of water at the top and it fell straight to Juyeon's head, hitting it and also splashing both of them soaking wet.

It all happened so fast, the water blurred Juyeon's vision and the bucket knocked her out, while the guy panicked and ran to the nearest staff in sight after propping her up, sitting against the wall with no movement.    


The Melon is here and so is her story~
Enjoy yet another story that is a fruit of
procrastination at late night until early

YAY! Suffering must be my hidden relative ;;

<3 Melon

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2017 ⏰

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