Ash and Tree

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Ash was always a talented boy, he had a passion for music and writing songs. But deep inside him there was something he was fighting.
You see, ash was a treesexual. Never heard of it, well he loved trees with all his heart, one in particular  in mind. A marvelous, thicc, tall tree  in some kids side yard all the way in some random neighborhood in North Carolina.
Ash loved this tree. He would have done anything to be with her, so he decided to finally go and meet her.
He hitchhiked all the way from wherever he lives to this tree.

He could feel the warm, North Carolina sun beaming down on him as he open the car door into the sun. This. Was. It. He would finally meet her after a long hour of just knowing her existence. He looked over and smiled as he saw her, her branches waving back at him in the cool breeze.
He tried to run as fast as the speed of light to just rap his arms around her.
"I love you tree" he whispered into her non existent ear.
Her words were silent but left fingerprints on his heart. He loved her as much as a tree could love him back. He sat down under her shade to cool himself down. Now this is what he called love.

Ashtree // inside joke fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now