
15 1 4

I was tagged by my captain.  KnickKat

1)  Do you have a crush?

Yes, I do.  It's...*Loud truck goes by*  Well, glad I could get that out there in the open.

2)  What's my middle name?


3)  What's my height?

5' or 5 and a half inch tall.

4)  What's my eye color?

Blue, though the color tends to go from a light blue grey to a dark blue.

5)  Last time I cried?

Does constantly on the inside count?

6)  Biggest fear?

Being forgotten, left behind, or disappointing everyone I know.

7)  Last song I listened to?

[Voltron//Klance]  (Not) Falling Into Love - a Klance fansong [Akiran]

8)  Last person I texted?

My brother's girlfriend.

9)  Favorite app?

YouTube, Internet, and DeviantART.

10)  Tag 20 people.

I'm too lazy for that.


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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2017 ⏰

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