I was driving home from work one night when I see a little girl on a tricycle riding across the street and into some woods that drop off into a creek. I brake and skid to avoid her and walk to where I thought she fell.
I see no one and a cop pulls up to ask me what I am doing. I tell him he was the person I needed (I was still in my security uniform) and tell him that I saw a little girl riding her tricycle across the street heading into that area where it dropped off.
He then tells me right away that I see what some other drivers here see. It was more than 40 years ago a child was killed riding her tricycle across that section of road. Others have seen her multiple times. Sometimes walking other times on her tricycle.
After some construction brought change to that section of road with expansions and barriers the sightings all ceased.
19 scary stories
HorrorAre you tucked up in bed ready for a good creepy tale or two? Well say goodbye to a good night's sleep because these scary ghost stories shared by me are guaranteed to haunt you long after you turn the lights out. Wait. Did you hear that noise? It s...