1: Stick To The Plan

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You'll never really know what's worth fighting for, unless you question yourself if it's really worth it.


I firmly held the machete with my right hand, while the other gripped the head of my newly killed vampire. My lips curled and I mentally cheered for myself as I raise the trophy right above my chin. "I deserve an applause for this." 

I tossed the head away from me and started to walk back to my motorcycle, leaving all the decapitated bodies behind. "A warm shower and chocolate ice-cream sounds really great right now, I need those." sighing once again, I climbed my bike and started the engine, hearing it roar very loudly, filling in the silence. My fingers ran smoothly against my motorcycle's dents, cringing slightly. "Oh baby you did well, I'll get you fixed."

I gripped the handle bar, driving away from the wiped out area too swiftly.


"Ya' sure kid? You don't want a lift back to your place?" Bernie the mechanic asked as he placed a cigarette inside his mouth then started lighting it. He took the money that I placed on the table and thanked me by giving me a small nod.

"It's all right Bernie." I answered back. "Just take real good care of my bike, yeah? Show her some love." I chuckled. That motorcycle means a lot to me, it's the only closest connection I can at least have with my parents.

My grandfather used to tell me stories about how my Dad would steal this bike from their garage every midnight just to pick up my Mom, only to spend their time together strolling around the peaceful quiet streets. Which pisses my grandfather off because the gas tank would always be empty every time he would use the bike.

"Aye, of course.. but you could at least use one of my old bicycles. Ya' don't want to walk all the way from town back to the woods, do ya'?" He sucked in to his cigar, took a moment, then he parted his lips slowly to blow out the smoke. I watched him unknowingly as he repeats the process.

"Yeah! That'd be great actually." I beamed at him gratefully whilst he showed me an old, badly painted blue bicycle with a white cracked saddle. "Yup, this would do just fine. Thanks." I commented while staring at the bicycle, appreciating the small black basket hanging in front of it.

"Sure thing." He huffed. "Don't worry, I'll be careful with your bike and she'll be as good as new. I'll see ya' tomorrow, kid."

I took a quick glance on my wristwatch 

7:41 PM

"Thank you! See you, Bernie." I responded, giving him a small smile then I started kicking the pedals in the same manner, making my way back to my cabin.


The two brothers looked at each other uncomfortably. 

"Are you sure about this?" The younger man asked. "I mean, we can't just do this without the owner's consent, we're putting their life in danger." he sighed before continuing, "We're literally taking their home away from them."

"You know that I hate this plan as much as you do but we both know we don't have a choice here. It's either the cabin or hundreds of lives. We can't risk it." The older sibling replied. "This is our only chance to take down the Master Wendigo."

"That sounded so bad... and silly."

"Yeah, tell me about it."

"But we could at least try and warn the cabin's owner?" The younger brother suggests as he runs a hand through his hair.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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