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Hello everyone! Welcome to my new book.

This is an game in which you may give an apprentice its warrior name.

Once there are at least 10 entries I will chose a winner. You must explain why you chose this name. If you can't it has a lower chance of winning.

Well let's go right into the rules.

1.) You may only comment one name. If you comment two you will have to chose one of them to actually enter.

2.) No cannon names. If I give you Firepaw, you may not comment Fireheart or Firestar. If you do I will warn you and not count it.

3. No being rude to others just because they won. If you do this you will be blocked and kicked out. Cyber bulling will not happen in my book.

4.) Try to keep the names realistic. No names like Starkit, Lovegaze, etc.

5. Have fun and be creative!

Now you may head on into the game.
Good Luck!

Name That Apprentice ||Open||Where stories live. Discover now