The schools gonna be shut down!

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A robot turtle was walking in the road with a paper in its mouth.
(At the school)
"Please sign this petition so that our satsuki elementary school want get shut down!! Please sign this so we want get shut down !!"mikan said ontop of a desk.
"Mikan what are you doing?"a girl said
"A opposite campaign!"mikan said
"An opposite campaign for what ?"she said
"What do you mean for what?,because of the district merger,our school is gonna be merged with a city school our school is gonna get shut down!"mikan said
"Don't you think that'll be better than coming to this old,run down school?"a girl said
"They'll send school buses to pick us up plus they have cute uniforms"a girl said
"You idiots!"mikan said and jumped down from the desk.
"This school is filled with our memories!"mikan said
"Memories huh?"a girl said
"You know you have them! Precious memories!lots of em"mikan said
(Now she is remembering the past)
(Neko pov)
I was walking with Hotaru always smiling cause when I smile it makes other people smile even Hotaru.
"Neko sama I really hate that smile of yours"Hotaru said trying not to smile. I sweatdropped.
We got to the classroom seeing mikan talking about the past to no one.
"Taking a trip down memory lane is fine and all but..stop yapping away when no one's listening"Hotaru said
Mikan saw me smiling and
"Neko!!"she said while hugging me.
Then I pointed at Hotaru and she went up to hug her but she didint let her.
"Just so you know the district merger and the school getting shut down have nothing to do with each other"Hotaru said
"R..really"mikan said disappointed
I went up to comfort her and she smiled.
"Simply put they don't have money neither the village nor the school"Hotaru said
"Money..But even without money its the  governments responsibility to provide a quality education"Mikan said
"And that's exactly why they're merging us with a city school"Hotaru stated
"What but!"mikan said
"At any rate if you're going to fight this your on your own"Hotaru said leaving
"Don't say that fight with me Hotaru "mikan said then she looked at me
"Ill fight with you!!"I said cheering and she smiled.
Three girls ran in saying
"Mikan,Neko news news!!"they yelled
"News?"I said
"A guy in a black foreign car just pulled up at the gate"on of the girls said
"He's heading to the faculty office!!"the other girl said
"That guy is definitely here to bring the bad news"one of the three girls said
"Bad news?"Mikan said worried and looked at me and saw that I had a worried face too.
"Maybe he's here to offically say that the school's getting shut down"they said
"Lets go to the faculty room"Mikan suggested and taking my hand and taking me with her.
Now we are outside looking at the window seeing hotaru and her mom talking to the principle.
"Huh?"I said confused on why she was there.
"What's hotaru doing there?"Mikan said struggling cause she is on top of a someone looking on the window.
While I was holding onto the window.
"I wonder if the school's finally shutting down"one of the girls said
"I wonder what they are discussing?"I said curious
"Hotaru,look over here!"Mikan said and then fell down on the floor.
I jumped down immediately and helped her up and saw a robot turtle coming towards is with a letter in its mouth. Mikan opened it and was shocked I looked over and read it i was shocked too.
I was looking down with my hair covering my face.
I saw Mikan running inside and chased after her.
We saw hotaru walking into a limo.
"Hotaru!!"Mikan said and I was catching up
I finally catches up and saw Mikan and sweatdropped
"You big dumb moron!!!"Mikan said about to kick hotaru.
But hotaru hit Mikan with a huge flyswatter.
"I don't have much time so state your business quickly"hotaru said
"The letter you says your going to a school far away....Not only that,it says your leaving today"Milan said on the floor. While I was just staring at hotaru
"It says your transferring to a K-12 escalator school .."mikan said
"That's true"hotaru said
"Don't use turtle mail to tell me and Neko something so important!"mikan said
"But if you found out ahead of time,you would have protested loudly "hotaru said
"Of course I would have !!"mikan said and me and the girls had to hold her back
"I knew id have to put up with you crying and latching on to me every day"hotaru said
"How dare you take me and Neko's love for granted!"mikan said.
She broke free and said
"Hotaru,you moron,idiot,dummy!"mikan said
"How could you not tell me and Neko's something so important! ?!?"mikan said and started crying so I went over to mikan and comfort her.
"Your such a dummy,Mikan "hotaru said picking up the turtle .
"Its nothing to cry about its not like well never see each other again ill be back during summer and winter vacation we can also send each other letters"hotaru said
"But hotaru.."mikan said and hotaru wiped away the tears.
"You can have the turtle"hotaru said giving her the turtle and then look at me.
"Here Neko chan"she said giving me a cat ears,tails,and a collar.
I sweatdropped.
"You said you liked cats"hotaru said i smiled and was crying happy tears .
Hotaru of course tried to hold in the smile.
"Its almost time"the guy in a suit said
"Let go"hotaru said to mikan
She started walking away.
Me and mikan watched hotaru leave.
(9 months later)
Me and mikan were sitting outside of mikan's house. Ever since Hotaru left I've been wearing the cat outfit every day.
"....only one letter in nine months ?I guess Hotaru doesint care for such bothersome things". Mikan's grandfather said
"I can't go on like this...I've been writing to her every other day"Mikan's said.
"Unrequited love is hard.When I was young I used to send love letters to girls too, come on Neko help  Mikan cheer up ."her grandpa said while stretching.
I saw mikan going somewhere so I followed.
We ended up top of a mountain/hill.
Mikan handed me the paper and I read it:
       This summer has been really hot and traveling is exhausting,so I won't be coming back. They both have cooling and heating units here so its quite combfortable.
The billboard I can see from my window looks just like you,so I sent you this post card.please send watermelon.
P.s take care of neko and Neko please keep smiling.
Mikan then started crying anime streams(forgot what there called)
And plugged my ears cause..
"HOTARU YOU HEARTLESS GIRL!!"mikan yelled which made it echo. I sweat dropped.
(Back at school)
Some girls were talking in the back this is the conversation:
"Mikan has been down in the dump ever since Hotaru left and because mikan is sad she is sad she bearly smiles anymore"one girl said.
"Hotaru hasn't helped the situation either she's only sent one letter in nine months"another girl said
"I wonder they forgotten about us"another girl said
"In sure Tokyo is exciting. I wish I was there too."they said
"But I heard my father say,"in glad my child isn't an Alice like Hotaru"said thus girl.
Mikan heard that and stopped drawing
"Apparently that Alice Academy where Hotaru went ...doesint allow students see their parents until they graduate I heard its like a prison."a girl said
Mikan then started crying and I got sad.
"Mikan ....."I said
"Alice are sort of like national treasures so...the government made that school to protect them,apparently."said a blonde girl
They started whispering so I couldint hear but mikan then moved closer to them.
"WHAT IS THAT TRUE?!"mikan yelled
"What the heck is that about!?"she yelled
Everyone heard and I stood up
"Im sorry for her yelling please forgive her"I said bowing then stood up and smiled.....of course everyone forgave.
(After school)
Mikan is now writing on the board :
Money can't buy happiness
"Mikan-chan,Neko-nii bye bye"a girl said
"Bye.."I said
"Bye...b..bye"Mikan said looking depressed
Me, hotaru and Mikan are walking in the snow.
"My best friend in whole world is you,Hotaru and Neko!!"Mikan said
"Whose yours?"Mikan said
"Me,myself,and I .....and Neko"
Hotaru said
"Thanks!"I said grinning while holding a teady bear.
"Whose your second?"Mikan said
"Myself"hotaru said
(Back to reality)
Mikan then started crying. I freaked out and started doing faces to make her smile and it worked!.
When we were laughing we heard some voices.
"Not at all I wanted yo come by and say farewell before we moved"hotaru mom said
"Thank you so much for your generous donations to our school"the principle said
"Its my daughters earnest wish.She loved this school,I think she really wanted to protect this place even if it meant going to Alice Academy from the moment we found out she was an Alice we knew this day will come eventually. In actually glad she felt like she could make a difference she's so clumsy in strange ways this was the only way she could give back to the people who liked her,to show them she cared "she said and then noticed me and Neko
"Mikan ...Neko "she said
"What you just said is it true?"I asked concerned
"She went to that school for us?she went because we're poor?"Mikan said
"Why didint she tell us? I thought she didint care about us anymore "Mikan said
"Its not your fault,sooner or later hotaru would've had to go to that school hotaru really cared about you two"hotaru mom said
"So I'm sure she wanted to leave in a way that would be least upsetting to you"hotaru mom said
"No way but hotaru said..."Mikan said
(Skip the flashback cause im lazy😝)
"She was cold to me so I wouldint cry"Mikan. Said
"She took all to her self and took all the burden?hotaru you dummy your love is to difficult to understand!"Mikan started crying which mad me try to comfort her.
(At night)
Mikans grandpa was sleeping and Mikan worked up Neko.
"Neko wake up"Mikan said
I worked up.
"Get your things were going"Mikan said and I got a backpack and stuffed a teady bear,water,candy,and my drawing pad and a scarf.
Once I was done she started dragging me somewhere.
"Where are we going ?"I asked putting on the cat assecories.
"To go see hotaru!"she said
I smiled widely and nodded.
When we were on the train I fell asleep.
I put my head on Mikans shoulder.
Mikan smiled and was soon falling asleep.
'Like a little baby kitten'mikan thought as she looked at me.
(Now in Tokyo and its morning)
"Were in the big city!!"me and Mikan said amazed on how big it is.
Then we started looking everywhere to find the billboard.once we found it we looked around and saw a school next to it.
We were now in front of the school.
"This school is so huge! I wonder if hotaru really goes to school in a place like this"Mikan said and I was taking pictures with my mini camera.
"Hey you this place is for authorized personal only go home if you have no business here"a guard said
"I came to see a friend"Mikan said
"That's not possible"the guard said
"But-then please tell a girl named hotaru imai that im here"
(Time skip the argument)
"We came all this way and im not going empty handed!"Mikan said hugging me.
"What's wrong little girl? Did you come to see a friend?"two guys came up to us and said that.
Mikan pulled apart the hug and said
"I did but that big dummy won't let me in because im not authorized!"Mikan said
I started getting suspicious.
"Oh you poor thing! We can let you in if you like"they said
"Really!"Mikan said
That's when I figured out what's happing.
"Yup really we go to college here"they said
"Come on lets go"they said giving there hand to us.
"There is a back entrance"they said
"Lets go!"they all said and I facepalmed.
When we Mikan was about to go i grabbed her hand.
"What's wrong lets go"Mikan said.
"No"I said holding her back and they tried to get me.
"Hold it right there!"a guy said
"Sorry to intrude but just where do you think you're taking her and the kitten"he said
"Who the heck is he ?"the chubby guy said.
"Me? Im a teacher from Alice academy"blondie said
"Liar!"chubby guy,some guy,and Mikan said that in sync. While I just stood there taking pictures(my life).
"Eh why?"blondie  asked
"Common lets go!"they said but I didint listen and backed away.
Then blondie came up to one of those guys and hold his chin.
"You shouldn't tell lies"blondie said
"Okay we were doing it for ransom money"they said and of course I took pictures.
Then they drove off
"That  was close one. You should head home too"he said
"I get it! Your a lady man!"Mikan said which made me laugh.
"What-"blondie said
"Your not?"Mikan said
"Not exactly "he said
"But your ear is pierced and your wearing a ring so..."Mikan said
"We wear these to control our power "he said
"Your powers ?"I said putting back my camera around my neck.
"Yup it makes everyday life a little easier"he said
He then sat down on the floor.
"Oh you guys followed your friend all the way to Alice academy?"he said
"Yes!"Mikan said
"By the way Mikan and neko-chan are you feeling okay? Do you feel strange or sense anything?"he asked
"Huh?"me and Mikan said in sync and I started to show her the pictures I tooked.
"You can't visit your friend but if both of you become a student at this academy you might be able to see her"he said
We then stopped and looked at him.
"If we do that we'll be able to see hotaru?in that case please let us take the entrance exam!"Mikan said and I agreed.
"So you want to enroll?"he asked
"Yes!...wait what?"
"Ill let you two in Alice academy its not something I can authorized myself,of course,but you'll be fine. "He said
"No way!"Mikan said
"Im telling you the truth"he said
"But im not a genius Neko is!"Mikan said
"Ah that's a misunderstanding "he said
"What makes someone an Alice isn't how smart they are but rather if they have a special talent this academy is full of individuals who all have unuqie natural abilities,its the ultimate talent school in a way"he said
"So you're saying that maybe me and Neko have a natural talent too?"Mikan asked
"Maybe,of course!"he said
"Actually I have a natural talent too"he said which made me curious and happy!
"No way what is it,what is it!!!"I said jumping up.and down with the blondie.
"You're so excited its making it difficult for me to tell you !"he said couldn't help but smiling.
"Well here is a hint!---...."he said but got cut off by a explosion.
It sent Mikan flying and made me fall making a cut on my hand,knees,and little on my neck.
"I guess that information about a possible escape is true glad I was on guard"he said
"Take a look for yourself Mikan chan and Neko-chan"he said
And a kid wearing a cat mask.
I got up hiding my scratch marks.
"He is the youngest of the top tier genuises here at the academy,His name is Natsume Hyuga his Alice is fire "he said and I got scared because of what happened.
I was about four and I was playing outside with a black cat I found.
'My mom told me black cats are bad luck but I didn't believe it'(imaging little girl voice)
When I was playing with the cat my mother told me to come inside.
I came inside after I heard screaming.
"Mom!dad?!were are you?!"I said and found them onthe floor dead.
I cried and some guys with masks grabbed me but the cat saved me (somehow)
I ran to the neighbors and told them they called the ambulance and police.
They could have save my parents but then the masked guys put a fire and all I can do stand there crying cause they didn't let me go inside.
They managed to save a camera,mini stoneshaped cat and a scarf.
I never smiled again until I moved to a village and Mikan and hotaru made me smile again.
That's why im afraid of fire and love cats.
(Back to reality)
Mikan saw me and closed my eyes.


Hoped you all liked it and in the next chapter get ready for some romance!.
!Thank you bye!
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