7:45 "1st Bell"

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"Why do we need to know history?" Mr.Edings asked my half awake class.

My best friend, Oliva Jackson who is sitting to the left of me raises her hand.

"Why do you think we need to know our history, Miss Jackson?" Mr. Edings says leaning against his desk.

"So that history won't repeat itself." She says completely way too cheery this early in the morning.

"Correct but let me elaborate a little but more. Knowing the past, will help us understand the present."

"How can the past help us understand right now?" A boy named Jared Lockey asked from across the room.

"Good question Mr.Lockey, anyone want to explain?"

The class was so quiet you could here a pin drop. Suprisingly we were all on the edge of our seats wanted for the answers to our problems now. How our past lead us here to this very moment.

I found myself raising my hand, to this day I don't know why I did. I was never the one to answer questions in class even though most of the time I knew the answer.

"Miss Tompson, you want to give it a shot?" Everyone eyes were on me now but I didn't care, which honestly was a first.

"Every choice we've ever made or haven't made, everything we've ever done or haven't done has effected not only ourselves but the people around us." I say.

"What is your point, Miss Tompson?" He asked intrigued by my statement.

"My point is that everyday we live our lives and nothing changes. But when we look back on it everything is different."

"So you're saying in hindsight nothing is as it seems." My boyfriend Brodie says, trying to help me out.

"Yes, that's exactly what in saying. Nothing is ever just black and white."

Just as I finished the last word, the gunshots rang out.

It's ironic how at the time it seemed like a normal class discussion that I had only entered for a participation grade. Now looking back on it, in hindsight, it wasn't just another class discussion at all. It might just be the reason I'm here today telling this story.

But I have the feeling you knew that already.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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