1|| You've Got To Be Kidding Me..

17 0 1

I leaned against my locker tapping my foot impatiently while waiting for my best friend, Alexis to arrive. About 6 minutes later she arrived leaving us with 2 minutes to chat.

"Hey, Lexis." I say as she groans loudly while playfully elbowing me in the shoulder.

"Didn't I tell you not to call me that." She huffs as a smirk tugs on my glossy lips.

"Well, I think it suits you." I say while I fold my arms.

"Whatever." She says while rolling her eyes.

Suddenly the bell rings causing Alexis to flinch while I pick my bag off the floor, and throw it over my shoulder.

"See you at lunch!" I call before jogging to my first class.

I took a seat in the second row in between two empty seats. Suddenly a boy with chocolate brown hair, and sea green eyes took a seat on my right. I had already recognized him as, Luke Norwood, the schools bad boy. He glanced at me, but as soon as he did I looked away hoping he didn't notice me checking him out.

"Hello, class." Ms. Henbrook says raking a seat at her desk.

"Today, we'll be doing a partner project. I'll be assigning you partners.This project will be worth a lot of your science grade. After I assign partners, I'll be handing out your assignments. Each group will get a different project, so don't even think about copying. "She says as the class erupts in groans, and cries of agony.

She rolled her eyes before picking up a clipboard that layed on her desk.

"Nathan, Gerold." Ms. Henbrook announces causing two boys in the back to shout no loudly.

"Agnes, Ariana."

"James, and Lynn. Maggie, and Jared. Clyde, and Margaret. Hannah, and Karen. Caleb, and Lonnie. Quinn, and Jack. April, and Mark. Harold, and Sharen. Amiee, and Matthew. Andrew, and Brianna. Luke, and Lydia." She calls as I gasp in horror.

Luke was bad news. He had been expelled from over 3 schools, he didn't try on his projects, he didn't do homework, he had been in over 8 fights, and he had been suspended over 5 times. How is he not expelled yet?

I glanced over to Luke who had a amused grin on his face.

"I cannot work with him!" I yell while everyone turns over to look at me.

"Well look forward to getting an F." Ms. Henbrook shrugs, pointing towards me.

"Bitch.." I mumble while taking a seat.

At lunch I took a seat next to Alexis while pushing my food around with my spoon.

"What's wrong with you?" She asks poking me in the stomach.

"Ms. Henbrook is a total bitch, she put me, and Luke Norwood as partners for a graded project." I huff as Alexis begins laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask while pointing a glare in her direction.

"Don't be so upset over a project." Alexis says giving me a smile.

"He won't even try, I bet." I sigh while my gaze falls upon the cafeteria floor.

Suddenly a hand fell upon my shoulder, and Alexis stopped laughing. I was swirled around, and my face expression quickly turned from sad to frightened quickly. The whole cafeteria fell dead silent as everyone's eyes fell on me.

"Hello, partner. I was thinking we could meet up at my house to start on our project, sound good?" He asks
raising his eyebrow.

I looked at the boys behind him, one was very tall with dirty blonde hair, and lime green eyes. To be honest he was pretty cute, but way to tall for my taste. If we we're ever to go out he would have to pick me up or lean down to kiss me, and right now I'm not looking for a long distance relationship. Get it?

Anyways two other guys stood behind him. One had chocolate brown eyes, and icy blue eyes that sparked with mystery. The last guy had a blank t-shirt on with a pair of washed out jeans. His hair was bleach blonde, and his eyes were a sky blue.

"Ok, I guess." I mumble as his hands fly towards my chin causing my to flinch.

He lightly pulled my chin up so my eyes rested in his.

"I didn't hear you." Luke replies as a smirk forms on his lips.

"I said ok." I reply quickly as he lets go of my chin, and the cafeteria booms with random conversations.

I let out a sigh of relief as him, and his goons walk away back to their table. I look around, and I see Blaire Williams, and her crew of sluts following behind her....

My eyes widened as I realized they were walking in ny direction....
What did you think? I'm honestly so proud of this chapter, right now. I love how it's written, and to be honest this is the first book I've written that I actually like.

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Kisses, Ri Ri.

Ps: Ri Ri isn't my actual name, but I'm going to wait to tell you guys my real name.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2017 ⏰

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