Of Mages and Wizards

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Isadore Melinie rarely saw an unhappy day. As a mage at the wizarding league Mystic Academy, she could smile on the world and save it at the same time. Isadore practiced light magic, which meant she could create beams of light and manipulate light sources. Sometimes she would shine the sun on people who needed it most.

Isa was seventeen years old, of average height, and had dirty blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and an infectious smile. Her friends in the league often said she was the most cheerful and sweet person they knew, even if she could show a spiteful, angry side every once and a while. The only person who really knew how much anger she held was her older sister, Julika. They were the two surviving members of the Melinie family.

Julika and Isadore lived in a roomy apartment in the middle of the town of Evensby, in the land of Giovanna. It was a peaceful town, the second largest in Giovanna, smaller only than the port city Leoni. Leoni was home to a powerful magical league known as the Enchanters' League. It was an academy known to be much more famous than Mystic Academy, but Isadore never really cared. She was a ray of sunshine wherever she went, so in the end, her magic was well used.

Magic wasn't a rarity in Giovanna. There were so many magic users in the huge kingdom that each wizarding league had to sign a contract to remain at peace with each other. These contracts were drawn up by the leagues' master wizards, the chiefs. Chief Garzov ruled the Mystic Academy, while Chief Irsa led the Enchanters' League.

Each of the groups had their own organizational system. In Mystic Academy, there were Minor Class and Major Class mages and wizards, all designated by the symbols on their arms. For a minor mage or wizard, the symbol of Ursa Minor would appear as a tattoo on their body; for a major wizard or mage, the symbol of Ursa Major was stamped onto any place the person chose.

In the world of magic, there was nothing entirely perfect, but Isadore preferred to imagine things that way. Sometimes it could be perfect, and this was the week for that: the yearly magical tournament was taking place in Evensby this year, and it would last all week long! Isa was to participate at the end of the tournament, working to create a light show with a few other light mages and wizards.

It was the first day of the tournaments. Isadore was ambling down the cobbled streets of Evensby, just sort of smiling up at the sky one day when she ran into someone very important. Of course, she didn't know who he was at the time.

To her, he was just a boy around her own age, with bright blue hair and glowing brown eyes. Despite the fact that he was strangely underdressed, wearing only a pair of baggy exercise pants and a black exercise jacket, she was drawn to him. He looked curious, and she admired that – it was a look she often wore, being one who admired learning more than so many things in the world.

"So you're a wizard?" He asked, abruptly, startling her.

It only took a moment for her to recover. "I'm a mage, technically, you know, being a girl and all." Isadore gestured down to her body, then gave a glowing smile. "How did you know I had magic?"

The boy tilted his head to the side, examining her. "It's a gift, I have, I suppose. What's your name?"

Isadore gave him a half smile. "I'm Isadore Melinie. What's your name?"

A haughty expression crossed the boy's face before he spoke. "It's Henshi Bloodman," he returned, giving a half bow.

Isadore nearly laughed at his stunt, thinking it a bit foolish. "I see. Are you training at a wizarding league or something?"

"Or something," Henshi replied, a mysterious smile on his face. "I'd imagine you're in a league though." Seemingly remembering where he was, he snapped his fingers. "I'd have to guess it's Mystic Academy, seeing as we're in Evensby," he remarked, his brown eyes analyzing her, waiting for a reaction.

Isadore nodded, her eyes narrowing. How was he so good at figuring her out? "Well, that was clever of you, I suppose. Are you sure you're not a league wizard?"

Henshi gave her a smile that she recognized as sarcastic. "I'm quite sure I'm not part of a league."

Isadore's left hand went to her left hip instantly. "So you're a wizard, then," she hypothesized.

The boy's left eyebrow raised, and his smile was light. "I never said such a thing, did I?"

Frowning, Isadore collected herself. "Based on the information I've gathered in this conversation, you're a wizard. You'd have no idea I was one unless you saw me practicing magic or you are a wizard. I doubt you'd have such an extensive knowledge of wizarding leagues unless you were one, and when I asked if you were a league wizard, you said you weren't part of a league but did not deny the wizard label." Her eyes flashed gold for a moment, before she regained some of her sunny personality.

Now both of Henshi's eyebrows were raised. "Interesting. I haven't seen a light-wielding mage with such a hot temper in a while. You're all supposed to be so sweet and cheery," he teased, his tone bordering on cruel.

Isadore felt warm, and in this case it wasn't a positive thing. "I'll show you a hot temper!" Her calm blue eyes had turned into a blazing fire.

"Now, now, Isadore," Henshi returned, emphasizing her name like they had been friends for a long time, "Is this any way to treat a visiting wizard?" He gave a loose smile. "It is as you guessed, I am indeed a wizard. I am in town for the tournament this week, and I'd like it if someone was kind enough to show me around Evensby." His brown eyes suddenly focused hard on her, and she understood that he wanted her to give him a tour of the town.

Practically growling, Isadore almost wondered at her lack of tranquility. Under normal circumstances, she would be gladly offering her services as a tour guide. Yet somehow this guy was capable of pushing down all the buttons she had never let anyone reach. "Find another tour guide, tough guy. I don't have time to show you around. As you correctly guessed, I'm a member of Mystic Academy, which means I'm trying to prepare for the tournament with the rest of my league. Now, if you'll kindly let me pass, I'll be on my way. There's a lot to do." With that, she gave a shrug, expecting the boy to move out of her way.

"I don't think so," Henshi replied, a smirk crossing his lips. "I know how the programs for these tournaments go," he admitted, with a wave of his hand. He seemed completely oblivious to the furious reddening of Isadore's face. "Those who use light magic are never involved until the last days of the tournament. The really powerful wizards go first, and then you dandelion-pickers follow."

Isa's pot had boiled over. "Well, I never!" Surprising even herself, she was shouting. With a sheepish look around, she continued in a hissed voice of lower caliber. "I'm not sure who you think you are, but I'm not going to bend to your whims. I'm a free mage, thank you very much, and I hope I never see you again." Furrowing her eyebrows inwards, she shot a bolt of light at his right shoulder.

Shuffling back with a shout, he rubbed a hand over the stinging area. Isadore just sniffed and moved past him, now that he understood she was not someone to be messed with. She didn't look back, but if she had, she would have seen Henshi staring after her, shaking his head. She might have missed the mischevious smile playing at his lips, even if she had turned around.

"Isadore Melinie, huh?" Henshi muttered to himself once she was out of earshot. "Well, Isadore Melinie, I'm interested in seeing what you're made of."

BlackShadowDC(c), 2017. All rights reserved. 

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