Chapter 1:Tikki's life

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The sun was rising. The fluffy clouds was pure white. It looks incredibly like marshmallows. Yum yum. Things look are if life was perfect. But,it is not. Well,not for Tikki anyway.

To keep things sweet and simple,she got fired by her boss. Why? Good question. Because she saw her friends,no one knows who,being bullied.

And everyone knows how kind and beautiful her heart is. So she stood up for her friend and caused a lot of noise that scared the customers away. Scary cats.

Her boss was then so angry with her that he could have given her a thousand punishments but he realised that firing her would be ten times simpler.

So,poor Tikki sad,jobless, but hopeful.

Maybe it was mean to be. Maybe it was destined.
Maybe the job as not for her.

Well, she hates her job anyway.

So,that was the plus point.

She went to the new shopping mall.
She passed by clothes stores,shoes stores but didn't went in because she didn't like those stores anyway.

Suddenly, she stopped and went in to a smoothie store.

She saw many people there and sat down on a empty table.

She looked around and saw two shocking events.

One poster that wants people to do jobs for them and a cute back kitten being scolded by his boss. Just like Tikki, for standing up for his friends...

Well guys,this I the first chapter. My draft book has already hit 5 reads. Wow! That was fast. Sorry for the wait. Well, this is the first chapter.
The next chapter will be awesome for Plagg fans.

Please comment on what to improve. Should it be longer? Romantic?

Please feel free to vote to if you like this and want even better stories!

Singing off,


P.s I still need a nickname. Please comment one for me and I will pick one and there will be a surprise.

Thank You!

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