Somethings To Know

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First of all thank you for giving this book a time of your day.

Secondly, welcome to

It is important that you read the following instructions to avoid any further confusions.

1. Each chapter will feature a different person but that doesn't mean the same person can't appear twice.  If you want to know what happens with that character then you will have to go through the tedious process of commenting the characters name on forthcoming chapters. 

2. The topics of each blog can have huge differences (obviously since the people are different)  and involve topics that you might not be comfortable with.  No worries though a warning will be mentioned before such chapters.

3. The readers too are welcome to vent out though obviously you will have to restrict yourself to the comments section though there is a chance we might pick one out because we loved it or the other readers loved it.

4. The narration style may change too so watch out for that.  Any criticism or corrections are heartily welcomed.

5. If you are still reading this then I love you and hope you enjoy these glimpses into other people's lives.

Thanks a lot.

See you around then!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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