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Normani's stared out the window of the tour bus. She watched as the scenery changed and longed that she could be out there instead of trapped on this tour bus.

"Mani?" Ally called from the entrance of the common area.

The younger girl looked at her band mate and didn't bother to try to crack a smile.

Ally walked over and sat across from her. "Mani you know I support you 100% in whatever you do." She placed a small hand on Normani's knee. "I just want to make sure you really want to do this before they make the statement."

Normani nodded. "I'm sure." she said just above a whisper.

"Ok." Ally agreed giving her a sympathetic smile. 

It wasn't intentional but her lip started quivering and the tears just started pouring out.

"Oh baby." Ally said embracing her friend.

Of course she loved all of the girls in Fifth Harmony equally but she always had a soft spot for Normani. Seeing Normani in this state was heartbreaking.

"They're gonna hate me." she sobbed.

"Mani, no! Listen to me ok, you need this right now. You don't feel safe right now and that's not ok. People are saying and doing nasty things to you right now and things are getting too much for you. You need this break alright. You're gonna come back in the right mindset and in control. You can do this. And you have four other girls behind you." Ally wiped Normani's tears as she held back her own. "I believe in you baby."

Normani rest her head in the palm of Ally's hand. She needed to feel something cool against her skin right now.

"How's Mila?" she asked.

"She's fine. She feels bad but she understands."

The bus drove into the venue and parked.

"C'mon, we can get the good donuts." Ally smiled as she took Normani's hand and led her inside.

As the two of them made their way into the dressing room Ally turned on the television.

"You know I gotta catch up on my celebrity news girl." Ally smiled.

TMZ appeared on the screen and shockingly it had Camila's face on it.

"So as we all remember how random celebrities phones got hacked a couple months back, well it happened again and it's most recent victim is Taylor Swift." The reporter started. "Now as of right now a bunch of random texts and personal photos were leaked but one that's currently trending is leaked texts between Swift and Fifth Harmony member and one of her besties, Camila Cabello."

"Oh shit please don't say anything stupid Mila." Ally crossed her fingers.

"The two were talking about how Cabello found is selfish of her bandmate Normani to back out the group's European leg of the tour and further complained about how now that requires her and the rest of the 5H girls to rearrange their whole performance because Normani quote "Can't handle a few meant comments." Here are the texts."

As screenshots of the texts popped up both Ally and Normani froze.

'She should really feel ashamed of herself, you're a victim in this too.' Taylor wrote.

'I really hate being the only thing holding this group together smh I really don't have to learn her lines bc this bitch wants to act weak' Camila wrote.

Before they could finish watching, their PR manager Jen stormed in the room and shut the TV off.

"Band meeting on the bus NOW!" she barked.

Ally and Normani were at a loss for words as they walked in silence on to the bus.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK GIRLS!" Jen screamed. "We didn't even put out the fucking statement that Normani is stepping down and now we have to deal with this?"

"Camila, Mila please tell me you didn't say those things?" Ally asked.

Camila couldn't look Ally in her eye. The hurt expression written on Ally's face was too much right now. All she could do was turn away.

"I can't fucking believe this." Lauren scoffed.

"Ok I think everyone needs to calm down before this gets too heated. We just need to focus on Mani and the statement right now." Dinah sighed rubbing her temples.

It was Camila's turn to scoff. 

"You know what, yes I did send Taylor those because you know what, I'm sick of everyone babying Normani! Listen Mani, I'm really sorry this that the interview was taking out of context but you and I both know you can handle a couple mean tweets."

"Mean twe- Camila! People are sending her death threats! Somebody through a fucking doll with a noose around its neck at her! It's more than just a couple mean fucking tweets! They're tweets that YOUR fucking bitch ass fans are tweeting! YOUR fans that are doing this shit to her." Lauren raged.

"You talk as if it's not the same girls putting money in your pocket Lo, in ALL our pockets including her!" Camila argued pointing at Normani. "I get hate all the fucking time do you see me backing out of 10 fucking shows? No. I was just saying what we were all thinking."

"I wasn't thinking that." Ally broke in.

"I sure as hell wasn't thinking that." Lauren cocked her head to the side and crossed her arms.

Camila gave a dry laugh. "Well at least I know Dinah agreed with me, she was with me when I was talking to Tay.

Dinah's head dropped down.

Normani looked at Dinah and shook her head.

"This is fucking rich." Lauren huffed under her breath.

"You know what, you ladies can bitch and call each other names all you want after, but in 8 hours we have a show to do. So right now, I want all of you Normani included to post a picture of the statement on your IG and Twitter accounts, I already took care of the band IG, Facebook and Twitter accounts while you guys had your little cat fight. I want no captions just the pink heart and we have 10 minutes until rehearsal. That is all. Normani, follow me we're gonna have a meeting." Jen ordered.

Normani wiped tears as she followed Jen off the bus.

"Take a seat." Jen said as she walked into an empty dressing room and pulled out her laptop.

"So, these are our last two show in South America, so you'll be missing all of the shows in our European  leg of the tour, Now I want to let you know that you come back whenever you're good and ready but did you want me to include the small performances we have before we start the North American leg or-" She stopped and sighed as she saw Normani's expression.

"We'll talk about this another time sweetie. The text leak is bad timing. This is all bad timing."

Jen typed for a moment on her laptop. "Ok, in an twenty minutes you're gonna go on the extra tour bus and the driver is  going to take you to the airport, I'll set up a private jet to take you home. Pack what you can in a suitcase and the rest of your things with be traveling with us ok?"

"Can I go to LA?" Normani spoke. "I just, I wanna be away for a while."

Jen gave her a look but nodded. "Uh yeah I can have that happen."

Normani nodded and got up. "Thanks." she said before walking out.


Ok I know the first chapter is a kinda sucky but it's gonna get better I swear!

xx Bina

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