Chapter One: Fort Wind

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" Welcome to Fort Wind reader! This beautiful place may have a strange name. It was known as the 'Gem' of the desert, it is the place where Princess Lyra was born and raised. It is also the place where the heroin, The Sea Dragon was made. So let's get this story going."

Once upon a time about 20,000 years ago in the glorious and rich desert city of Fort Wind lived a princess and the royal family oversaw that part of the desert and mountains, for the castle was located at the edge of the desert due to the current Queen Starlight, but we shall tell her story on another day. They ruled their kingdom with a fair and kind, yet firm hand. The people adored them especially the young Princess and Prince.

The crowds said of the young princess's birth that she was like a gift from the heavens for the day she was born, it had poured and any kind of rainfall was rare, for the mountains are about a half day to a day's trip to reach and most of the rain fell on the other side of it. And so she was nicknamed the Rain Princess for her birth was like a gift of rain. And so every year what seemed to mark her birthday it would of course rain. But unknown to the people, the day after her birthday she would fall into a slumber for almost a full day. But other the years she seemed to get better and better. She did not spend those days in bed with zero energy or sleeping, but slowly over the years she got better and did not spend so much time in her room. She would go out into her private garden and draw or write peacefully in the sunshine. Now the princess has a younger brother named Prince Solen. The prince was born on the night of a blood moon eclipse and was nicknamed the lunar prince. Solen is now eight years old and quite the charmer for a little boy. He has golden blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes that were often filled with mischief.

Then there is King Solaris and Queen Starlight. They were most loved and cherished in the kingdom. When the King and Queen were teens they had been promised to marry for the sakes of their kingdoms. At first Starlight had hated him and fought the marriage, but then through a series of events she had grown to love him and in the end married him. But now forgotten by the kingdom, the King and Queen had magical abilities. Starlight could use a little bit of light magic but her specialty was gravity and water magic. Solaris could use flame mixed with weapon shaping magic. He could summon or turn an item into a weapon and then used his flames to surround it. Starlight used light to distract and move her enemy's attention while she combined water and gravity into a single spell and blast them away, She also had a rare healing magic that was mostly considered a forgotten magic. Most magic users had been hunted and used as weapons or items to be conquered and used. So to protect themselves and others most magic users went into hiding or simply didn't use their powers and hid them from the world. And as a side effect Star and Solaris did not tell their children about the possible magic they would have in hopes that it would never show up. But then when Lyra was very little she had started to display the signs that she was a magic user, and a very powerful one at that, so her parents in secret had a special necklace with a blue tear drop, made for her that would dampen her powers and hide them from her and others around her. Solen wore a special gauntlet with a golden stone set in the wrist part. And so that's how they grew up, unknowing of any special powers or magic.

Now one day, Princess Lyra was wondering in her flower and tree garden. Well... More like hiding. For this particular day was the two day mark from her 16th birthday. And a certain someone was visiting the castle. The prince of the neighboring kingdom was visiting. Prince Aspine was Lyra's husband to be, much to her dismay. For her eyes looked at another that would be often seen walking with the King or ordering the palace guards around. The ever dashing, handsome, General Ramesis. Lyra would often find herself watching him from a distance but never would approach him with her feelings because she knew that he might never accept those feelings for he was a general and she was the princess. But that never stopped her from loving him. Ramesis has known Lyra ever since she was around 5 years old. But then when he was only thirteen, had he first became her bodyguard, then a few years later promoted to general of the imperial army by the king. He was around 6 5" with bronze skin, eyes as blue as the sea, and shoulder length, dark red hair. Lyra would often secretly sketch him when he was training in the new guard in the side court yard. In which she had a view of it from one of her bedroom windows. She shook herself when she realized that she was thinking about him again. " Are you alright Princess?" A deep voice spoke up from behind her. She jumped and spun around to see Ramesis standing there with a small twinkle of mischief in his eye. " Are you harassing my Fiancee general?" A voice that Lyra know all too well and dreaded to hear. She turned and faced the one and only Prince Aspine who held out a bundle of white roses bound with a silver ribbon. Pretending to be extremely flattered, Lyra and took the roses and sniffed them. " Why thank you Sire. These are a most wonderful gift. I shall treasure them." A small applause followed that display and King Solaris and Queen Starlight stepped out of the shadows of the trees, clearly pleased with the pair. " You both do indeed make a stunning couple. I look forward to making you my son in-law in the future." Solaris spoke up in his full and deep voice. " Papa!" Lyra squeaked at him. " Now now Solaris. Don't be mean to your daughter. There still is time before they can be married. Even though I was married to you at the age of sixteen years." Starlight said in a very mellow pitched voice. Solaris ducked his head to hide his grin. " Thank you Mother, at least someone understands my feelings about all this." She shot Ramesis a dirty look then snickered a bit. As they all stood around talking with a few jokes mixed in, when a very crazy haired, panting, dirty Solen came bursting into the garden screaming for his sister.

" Lyyyrrrraaaa!!!! Save me from Pansy! She says I need to take a bath and I don't want to!" He slammed right into his sister, almost knocking her over. Seconds later a slight chubby woman came huffing after him. " Prince Solen I beg thee, you need to take a bath. You are covered head to toe with dirt and..." She paused when she noticed that all the royals were standing there wide eyed at the chaos. " Your Majesty and Highnesses. Forgive my interruption. I was just trying to fetch the young Prince for his bath." Solen popped his head out from behind Lyra and looked at her with teary eyes. " But I don't want to take one.." He looked up at his sister with his lip in a perfect pout. Lyra struggled as she could almost not refuse that look and Solen know that fact well. Gently, she pushed him off her and knelt down to his level and looked into his eyes. " Solen... If that is even you under all that dust. Do you know who is staying for dinner tonight?" Solen shook his head. " Prince Aspine is and I don't know if you want him to see you at dinner with dirt all over your face." Solen's eyes widened and he turned to his nursemaid and looked up at her. " I'm ready for my bath now.." Pansy gave Lyra a face full of thanks and gratefulness. Lyra nodded to her and the pair walked out of the garden. Aspine did not let that small display go unnoticed. " Well she is good with kids. That will be useful in the future." He thought to himself, a small grin unfurling. Then he caught the General looking at him and quickly replaced the grin with a more professional smile full of pride for Lyra. Ramesis narrowed his eyes then returned his face to its stern look, better suited for a general. Queen Starlight cleared her throat and briskly turned to her husband. " Shall we go prepare for the dinner then?" Solaris nodded and off the pair went. Aspine made his leave as well and Lyra, saying her farewells until dinner headed to her room to get ready. Later that evening they all gathered in the grand dining hall that was mainly used for when they had guests from other countries. Prince Solen beamed from his perch next to Aspine, which he had begged for and gleefully got. Lyra sat across from the pair next to her mother while the king sat at the head of the table. Soft harp and flute music drifted from the corner of the hall as other countries visiting. In this case it was Prince Aspine that was visiting, much to the servants started bringing in the first course. And so that's how the dinner passed, just simple small talk between bites.

The next morning Lyra was woken up to a flurry of activity as the maids rushed about her room. " What is the rush this morning ladies?" Lyra inquired. " Why it is the day of the hunt M'lady." A maid named Melody piped up. Lyra tipped her head to the side in thought then sprung up. " Prepare my hunting and riding gear." She instructed the maids, and they looked at her in surprise. " But M'lady.." One started to protest. "The hunt is most commonly for the men while the ladies ride along to observe." Lyra shook her head. " I will join the hunt. Papa didn't have me learn archery for nothing." The maids nodded and gathered her gear together. Outside the other's waited for her and gasps from all the young men even Ramesis sucked in a small breath when they saw her come riding through the arch of the stables. Riding high on her Fjord mare named Diamond who was wearing black tack, Lyra was proudly wearing a black and smoky purple outfit that showed off her curves quite nicely with her bow and quiver on her back. Lyra holding her head high shot a magnificent and dignified smile to all of those around her. "Shall we proceed then?" King Solares said after loudly clearing his throat to get the groups attention. So off the group went in search of a stag that was rumored to have wandered into the nearby area. It was a fine hunt that ended with Lyra getting the shot that downed the stag much to most of the young men's awe and Aspine's pride. "So my darling can use a bow quite well I see. It will very useful someday if everything goes as planned." He mumbled to himself and he caught Ramesis eye and gave him a cold look and then beamed at Lyra as she rode past. " Well done my angel!" He praised. Lyra only gave him a smug look and gave Ramesis a bright excited smile. Ramesis bowed in respect and then gave her a small smile for her efforts. " Well done Princess. Looks like all those lessons paid off after all." Lyra's smile turned into an indignant glare then she huffed and went on her way head held high.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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