"I'm Sorry"

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"Do it. I dare you."

These words cut my throat. I don't want him to actually do it, but I don't care anymore.

"You've given so many reasons to leave, but haven't given any as to why you don't want to go."

He stood there, frozen.

"I really do love you. I hate hurting you."

If you really hated hurting me you wouldn't have said things like this, you would've not let me cry myself to sleep over your early goodnights. You would've acted like a proper boyfriend.

"I'm hurting right now."

We both stood there looking at each other. Finally he spoke.

"I'm not breaking up with you. I just haven't been feeling the same. I'm so so sorry."

I'm extremely confused and hearing that has broken my heart even more.

"You're stupid for thinking that I hadn't noticed."

He lowers his head. He can't even look me in the eye.

"I know you have and it hurt me so much."


"Maybe you should've actually told me sooner..."

"I'm sorry."

He kept apologising over and over.

This relationship has taken such a massive turn. I want to be intimate with him again but the words he's said has made him seem like a different person. We are going to have to rebuild this relationship all over again and relearn things we already knew... I finally decided to tell him something I have regretfully hid.

"It's back and has been for a few months." I said.

He instantly knew what I meant. He pulled me close. His touch was almost foreign.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I'm so sorry."

He began crying.

What have I done? I didn't mean to make him cry...

I hate myself for this.

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