Chapter #1: Rookie Trainer

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Narrator: we start off in are (so call) protagonist's house to see if he will ever wake up

Mom: Isaac! ... Isaac!, wake up Isaac!!!

Isaac: wa....😴

Mom: wake up, I got a call from the Professor

Isaac: ... wait really

Mom: yeah I am not laing

Mom: he wants you to pass by his lab

Mom: I can't believe it feels like yesterday that your Father and Brother left on there journey and now my baby boy is also leaving me

Isaac: I can't believe it

Isaac: all right well bye mom... (Runs off)

Mom: Isaac wait!!!

Isaac: what!?

Mom: aren't you forgetting something

Isaac: . . . 😐

Isaac: oh right

Isaac: (I forgot to about switch to my clothes, I would have look like a jackass if I would have run off in my pajamas now what idiot would do that)

(30 minutes later)

Isaac: Oh no I took to much time eating breakfast!!!

Mom: bye son, don't forget to to call sometime don't do like your brother last time he call was 6 months ago 😡

Isaac: Okay 😓, well bye mom

(Isaac walks out the door)

Isaac: well that was awkward, but finally I can't wait.

Isaac: I am starting my journey to day.

(Well Running bumps in to someone)

Narrator: On the way there he bumpeds into Riley a close friend and Rival of his brother.

Isaac: ouch

Riley: Well if it isn't Isaac, are you alright.

Isaac: Riley!!!

Isaac: I haven't seen you in months, so what have you done seens getting your starter

Riley: well it's been mostly Training but it's not Intel recently that I started collecting Badges

Isaac: but why wait almost year for that 😧

Riley: because wanted to prepare my Pokemon first, your brother did the same

Isaac: he did!

Riley: you didn't know

Isaac: he doesn't call that much home so yeah

Isaac: but when did you two started collecting them

Riley: What the Badges?

Riley: Like two months or so ago

Riley: I have already collected two Badges it was easy bu...

Isaac: WHAT!!! But if you got two, how many doubts my brother got?

Riley: Well as we speak he is competent for his fourth or that what he tol...

Isaac: He already has four from the eight badges that's mental!!!

Riley: (is he going to let me talk 😑)

Riley: he also has a monster team

Riley: But enough of that for now, it's time for your first Pokémon

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2017 ⏰

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