Old Tree

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Winter's P.O.V.

The light shines in a way that makes the tree look like a shadow against the sky. All the clouds behind the tree seem silver and shiney. The clouds father away from the tree were dark and mysterious.

After years of looking at this tree I never been near it. Children have dared each other to get close but they never did. A howling noise would sound from the tree from time to time.

Stories have been told that the tree was haunted and that people could see a ghostly figure late at night wondering around the tree. Did I believe? Half and half. I do not know if it is true and I dont know if I believe.

What I have told my children many years ago was, "From what I know ghosts do not exist. However they could be real and we just haven't seen one before. Keep your mind open to possibilities. The world can never be fully explained by science."

I zip up my boots and place my hat on my head. My Collie Yappin' tagged along behind me as I marched out to the fence and crawled through. She hopped easily through and looked back at me with her mouth wide and panting happily.

I approached the tree and walked around it three times before placing my hand on its massage trunk. Its bark was smooth but rough enough to climb up. The wind blew slightly at me, tugging my clothes and my hat almost blew off if I didn't catch it.

The tree began its low strong howl and I pulled my hand back for a moment. I gazed up at its beauty. Thats when I decided to climb it. What ever was making this noise was coming from up there.

I'll find out if its a hole or a ghost. I'm sure the town would like to know for sure. I began my climb up and smiled when I reached the top of the trunk.

There was a hole big enough for me to fit down into the trunk. I smiled bigger as the wind blew up through the tree and made the low howl in my face.

There must be a small hole st the bottom for the wind to come up through. I was begging my decent to get back down to my dog, when my arm slipped and I began to slide into the hole.

With a grunt I moved to climb back out but I slipped again and again until I fell feet first into the hole. Down down down I went. Scraping the walls with my hands and feet trying to stop my fall. Then I hit the ground with a gasp.

All the wind was knocked out of me but my body seemed to be fine other than my cut up hands. I tried to climb out but the walls were so smooth it had to be impossible.

It was dark inside and impossible to see anything but the entrance above. I sat down on my butt and waited. Waited for someone to notice Yippen' outside. Yippen' never leaves my side and everyone knows it.

I felt around and I knew there was something down here with me. Smooth like a rock, but I also felt cloth. Perhaps this was an old club house? Soon the moon was full and almost directly above the hole. I couldn't make out much so I waited until the moon was completely over head.

When I looked around I Gasped loudly and held my mouth in shock. There was a rope tied to a old broken branch that was half decayed and on the other end of the rope was hands.

Bone hands. The rock I touched was a skull. I didnt move away I just looked at the person. The clothes were old torn overalls and little boots. A red bandana over one leg and a necklace around its neck.

I teared up knowing who it was. Jamie. Forty years ago it was a warm spring morning. Jamie was my big brother. I was 5 and he was 10. He got up early and I caught him. He said he was making a surprise for me and our friends and left.

He never came back and the whole town searched for him. I gore closer and rubbed my hand on his skeleton cheek. "Big brother..." I saw something sticking out of his pocket and took it out. It was a plan to turn this tree into a club house.

Check list.
[√] secure a rope for an entrance.
[√] smooth out all the walls.
[√] add pillows and a small table.
[  ] host the first club meeting.

I folded this back up and placed it where I found it. I moved the bandana to see the leg bone was broken. He must have broken it when the rope snapped as he was climbing out.

I put the bandana back looked at the small table. I remember when he built that. I helped and he had us both carve our names in it. I ran my hands along our names.

Winter Summers & Jamie Summers
Best friends and siblings forever

Then a small painted butterfly holding a sword below that. I reflected on my whole life. All my children were grown. I named my eldest son, Tom Jamie Hanks. Tom after my father. Jamie after my brother. Hanks what the last name that I now share with my husband.

For a week I sat in that tree wondering when someone will find me and help me out. My stomach began to lurch for food and breath.

It became humid inside the tree as the days were becoming warmer. I closed my eyes dreadfully tired and thought of my husband. I thought of our farm and all our animals.

I imagined hugging them all so tightly they would complain. I pictured Yappin' when she was a pup and how strong our bond has grown. I thought of me and my husbands first sight of each other. First dance, kiss, when we moved in and our first child.

"Winter?!" I could hear his desperate call from outside.

I tied to call out but was unable to. I placed a hand on my heart and prayed that he and our family will be safe and sound.

Thomsen' P.O.V

Day 1

Winter where the hell are you? I looked around the whole house and even the farm. No sign of her or Yappin'. The night grew closer and my worry built up to the point that I was afraid.

What if she left me? Naw. She'd never leave me, our bond is too wrong for that. What if she was kidnapped? Thousands of thoughts ran into my mind.

Day 2

The night dragged on and I cried as the sun came up. This wasn't like Winter at all. I got in my truck with little sleep and drove around town asking people if they saw her.

As noon came around I talked to the sheriff of our town and he wrote down the description and told me to go home. Home? Hell No. My wife is out there and I won't rest till I find her.

Day 3

The sheriff came to my house and we organized a search party for her. Stacy, our daughter, tried to get me to sleep but I refused. "While your mother is out there, I will not."

Day 4

"WINTER!!! MY LOVE!!!" I shouted as loud as I could. Nothing. Food became disgusting to me and water was my enemy. Everything was my enemy. Everyone was trying to make me do things that doesn't involve lookin for my wife.


Day 5

I drove in my truck down the old road to get home. Thats when I spotted Yappin' up near the old tree. I parked my truck and ran out there. I called her name and Yappin' barked at the tree and hopped around me.

I climbed up the tree and peered down. "Winter?" I climbed back down and went to get help.

Day 6

They cut into the tree with a saw and we all pitched in. The saw broke twice and then got stuck in the tree. Then we tied a rope at the top and I tried to get into the tree.

I made it down and hugged my wife. She was cold and barely breathing. I grasped her in my arms and climbed up. I saw the skeleton before I got completely out. 

The tree did one last howl.

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