1 - The Day After Prom

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Harry calls Maya up and she answers her phone.

(Maya) Hello? (Harry) Hey, I had the best night I've ever had in my entire life last night. (Maya) Why? (Harry) Because it was with you. (Maya) Are you busy? (Harry) No why? (Maya) We need to talk! (Harry) About what? (Maya) Us! (Harry) What's wrong? (Maya, in tears) I think we need to break up! (Harry) Babe, you want me to come over? (Maya) Yeah, it's just that my twitter followers......

Harry interrupts.

(Harry) Say no more, I'm on my way.

Harry gets out of his car and enters Maya's house.

(Harry) Maya? (Maya) Harry?

Maya comes out from behind her closed door and she's in tears. She falls down on the ground in the hallway!

(Harry) Maya!

Harry carries Maya in a "Bridal Style" type of way, brings her to the couch and talks to her. 

(Harry) What's wrong? Why did you say that you wanted to break up with me?

Harry holds Maya's hands as she's tearing up.

(Maya) Harry, I've been keeping something from you! (Harry) Tell me what's wrong! (Maya) Your best friends here in America, Jake and Ryan, told me to move to Antarctica! (Harry) Why? (Maya) Because they think I'm not the girl for you! (Harry) I'm gonna talk to them. (Maya) They told me not to tell you or else....! (Harry) What was the "or else..."? (Maya) Or else they would kidnap me, take me to the airport, put me on a plane and you would never see me again! (Harry) That's it! I'm calling them both and ask them to come over! (Maya) Why? (Harry) Because they're gonna  move you away from me and I can't let you move, Maya! Because if you move, then I would have to move where you are because I would be next to my one true love and I don't want you to move away from me!

Harry kisses Maya, gets out his phone and calls Jake.

(Jake) Hello? (Harry) Jake, it's Harry! (Jake) Hey, Harry! (Harry) I'm flabbergasted and angry with you! (Jake) Why? (Harry) I need you to come over because we need to have a long conversation. (Jake) About what? (Harry) You'll find out! (Jake) I'll call Ryan over. Does this involve him too, Harry? (Harry) Hell yes, because you two hurt my sweet Maya, the girl whom I'm gonna be with for the rest of my life and I'm not gonna lose her over you two idiots. I already lost her once, to you, Jake, I lost her the second time to Ryan and now I ain't losing her because what you two idiot bozos has to say that would make us break up again!

Maya comes up behind Harry and hands him a note. Harry hangs up his phone, puts it in his back pocket and kisses Maya.

(Harry) What's this, Maya? (Maya) Read the letter!

Harry reads the letter.

(Harry) Harry, This is just too emotional for me to say but I just have to move away from you for college. I'm moving to New York starting tonight with a flight at 11:00 pm. So at 7:45 I have to go back to my house to finish packing, at 10:15 leave to go to the airport with my parents, at 10:30 get on the plane at 11:00 leave for New York and I won't be back until probably after Senior Graduation so I'm gonna leave right after I spend time with you in an hour. Love, Maya

Harry puts his nose and holds her cheeks with her hands.

7:45 pm

Maya calls Harry from upstairs.

(Maya) Harry!

Harry runs downstairs, picks up Maya, spins her around & kisses her.

(Maya) I've got to go, Harry! I love you! (Harry) I love you too.

They kiss. Maya leaves.

(Harry) There's no way I'm letting her leave me that easy.

Harry grabs his car keys and goes to Maya's. 

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