Asking Me to Live is Like Asking Me to Die

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I don't know how or why, but life just seems to enjoy dragging me down. Being Ladybug had tired me out and caused me to lie to my parents, which I hate doing, it's also given me detention as if to say 'work harder to defeat your villians', and has caused my parents to lose trust in me. I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders and the stars are laughing at me because I'm struggling to stay standing. It just isn't fair, I'd tell myself, but then I realise there are people in this world who don't have as much as me. And then, it does feel fair, the pressure of being Ladybug, the pressure of school, the pressure of working at the bakery, and the horrible words being said to me at school are just fragments of what other people have to go through.

On Tuesdays, third period, we had PE. Usually, I didn't mind PE, but today I was a little out of it. As a warm-up the teacher made us run up and down the front steps of the school. My clumsiness caught up to me and caused me to trip down the stairs. When I landed on the concrete floor the class laughed at me and called me a 'klutz'. It's okay, I told myself, just a few bruises. As Alya finished laughing she wiped away a few fake tears, and I wiped away my real ones. "You okay?" She asked, slightly out of breath. "Yep," I replied, pushing myself of the ground and then dusting of my hands. "Why don't you sit down for a while?" The teacher suggested, I nodded and sat down.

The rest of the day was a struggle for me because my arm ached with every move I took. When I got home three medium sized parcels were stacked in front of the door, I carried them in one arm and used the side of my other arm to push the door open. Pain soared up my arm and I winced. Bad move, I thought. At the bakery's cashier stood my father who was tending to and elderly woman, who ordered more than she could pay for. She mumbled things to herself and I realised I felt sorry for her and that I could help. I gave her five euros and she turned and smiled, accepting the money gratefully. After getting her bag of sweets she pat me on the cheek and muttered, "Such a nice girl." Over and over. I smiled and so did my father, then his face turned serious. "I got an email today, something about you falling down the stairs..." Marinette turned to look at him. "Are you okay?" He asked, seriously. I smiled. "I'm fine, it was only a few steps high."
"Marinette, don't lie to me."
"I'm not, I swear."
"Papa, there's nothing to be concerned about. I just landed on my arm and it's perfectly fine! See!" I moved my arm up and down, but winced. "As your father I have to be concerned about you, so please tell me the truth." As  he finished my Mum walked in and said, "Your father's right, Mari. Let's get that arm checked, shall we?" I sighed in defeat and groaned.

Turns out, I had broken my wrist and thumb, how was I supposed to be Ladybug now? "Marinette, don't be so upset. Look on the bright side! At least you're not seriously injured." My mother said, she just doesn't get it. "But, Maman! This is my right arm, my right arm is my dominant one!"
"Well, you're going to explain that to your teachers. I'm sure that they can figure something out." She replied, I sighed in defeat once again.

Wednesday, first period, history with Madame Bustier. When I told Madame Bustier about my wrist she didn't seem to care and she told me to write with my left hand! Of course I could do that, but I still struggled. I kept bumping elbows with Alya, to the point that I had to move to another desk. It also bothered me to see how sloppy my handwriting was. I couldn't wait for the day to be over.

It rained and I didn't have an umbrella, why am I so stupid?! I cant keep doing this. I sighed waiting for the rain to stop. I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was Adrien! What do I do? He smiled at me and I smiled back, "This feels familiar, doesn't it?" He whispered. I was shocked, he still remembered? I only nodded at his statement, he took my hand and said, "Can I offer you a ride home?"
"I- uh, well... I- I - don't want to cause too much trouble for you, so I think I'll pass."
"It won't be any trouble at all, I'd be glad to help a friend out!" He said, leading me to accept his offer.

The inside of the limo was fancy, but it was quite plain. It was your average limo, black leather seats and all. We stopped outside the bakery and Adrien opened the vehicle door for me. When I got out I gave him a huge bear hug and muttered a small thanks in his ear, he returned the hug which made me flush bright red.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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