Seeing my family

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It was morning and the Zimmerman family was going to the cafe down in the main complex. Ashley ordered: 1 pancake,  2 eggs, bacon, and star bucks. Nick ordered: 1 omelet, toast, and coffee. Rachel ordered: 2 eggs, 2 pancakes, sausage, and orange juice. 

They all ate their breakfasts and then went back up to their room.

"So is everyone ready for more travel?" Rachel asked. Ashley gave her mom a more serious and angry look because she didn't want to be in the car for even more time then it already was.

"How long this time?" Ashley asked angrily.
"Not much at all. It really is just a few miles out of this town." Ashley's dad blurted in.

Ashley then was relieved. She didn't like being in the back seat for a long time. If they were to take the truck, she probably would be in the middle up front.

Ashley's thoughts~ now we can at least go somewhere were I can actually talk to someone besides one of my parents.

Finally, they were on the road.

Ashley's P.O.V.

Dad was right, it was like only a couple minutes before we got to my brother and sisters house. I really can't believe I even have a brother and sister. I always thought I was an only child. It makes me happy that I have siblings but the only reason I am not happy is because they just recently told me.

"We're here!" Dad said awaking me from my cat nap.

The place was beautiful. The house was big but the yard was even bigger. I could see my cousin Seara and my other cousin Derian playing in their play house. Seara was 6 and Derian was 6. They were twins. Then I saw two older people on the patio siting in the chairs, I believe it was my Aunt Sharon​ and Uncle Chad.

As we got out of the car my aunt and uncle looked over and started over to least my aunt did.

"Oh my goodness!! Rachel, Nick you guys made it!" My Aunt Sharon exclaimed.
"We aren't the only ones." My dad declared as I opened the door to get out.

My Aunt's face lit up in a surprising look. She hasn't seen me ever since I was little. When my cousins came over, Seara and Derian, they hid behind Aunt​ Sharon's legs.

"Well look at you, you tall drink​ of water." Aunt Sharon said.

"Yeah, she sure is ours." My mom declared.

"Your brother and sister are inside so don't be afraid to go in and say hi." Aunt Sharon told me.

I was excited to finally meet my siblings. But I was thinking... What if they don't like me? Of course I said what if but it's not like they won't.

I was walking up to the house were there was a glass door and I could see 2 people on the couch and 1 on the floor playing with toys. I walked in with my parents behind me. I didn't bring in anything but myself. My siblings look up.

"Hey kids!" My mom exclaimed. My Aunt Sharon walked over to them and told us their names.

"This is Rylee and this is Kobe." Aunt Sharon explained.
"Hey." Rylee and Kobe said.

"This little one is Olyver." Aunt Sharon explained again.

Once my brother and sister were done reading I went upstares with them and we played a board game.

"So what's your name?" Rylee asked.
"Ashley." I replied.
"How old are you?" Rylee asked.
"I am 14, how about you?" I asked
"I am 11, Kobe is 8." Rylee explained

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