Is there light at the other end of the tunnel?

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(I haven't finished writing my life story, it might take a while ... so I hope you enjoy what I have wrote so far)



Have you ever wished you were someone else, when you went through hush and difficult times? Well this story is about a girl that wished every night of her life, that she wasn't weird, as she got bullied because of her height, and dealt in situations that could scar you forever, as it was terrifying and embarrassing. This is a true story of a girl called Saffron Middleton, fighting for her life to become perfect, but realized she was perfect all along even if she didn't see it at first.

Chapter One

Mother Asthma Attack

January 10th of 2007

I stood at the dark broken window, of my house, waiting for my mother to return home from work. I had excitement flowing through my body as I could not wait to get a hug from my mother when she returns home from work. Now my mother's hugs always made me happy as all my fears and nightmares would go away. It seemed more than a hug, as it was special and unique. But an hour went by and my mother didn't turn up, I began to get cold waiting at the window for so long, so I thought I would go and sit in front of the gas fire with hot chocolate, while watching the movie Finding Nemo when I wait.

Ring. Ring! The phone rang as loud as an tramped, making me jump out of my seat on to the floor, while trying to dodge the hot chocolate which went flying into the air, I tried to move before it pours down on me, but sadly I was too slow and it tipped down onto my head, while my skull burnt and stung like a bee, I screamed as I was in pain and didn't know what to do, as I was only seven years of age. I stopped screaming when I heard my sister talking to my mother.

The Phone Call

"Mum when you coming home, its crazy here, as dad and saffron are attempting to clean my jumper in the dishwasher!" pleaded Chelsea

"I'm coming tomorrow hopefully, if the doctors say it’s okay "said my mother a quiet tone

"Doctor's? But dad said you're working overtime, to be honest I was hoping you were working at MacDonnell's then you can bring some food home for us" said my older sister Chelsea with a cheeky, little smile".

While I sat on the wet floor, she realized something strange was happening with her mother and father, something that a seven year old shouldn't know about, and wanted to confront her father to find out what it was.

The Next Day

I skidded across the floor in the snow while wearing only a night suit and dollies as it was all I could find in my messy bedroom. Looking back now I am ashamed that my bedroom actually got that messy, you could say it was mission impossible getting a wardrobe open as there were clothes, toys and food on the floor, and there was no excuse for it being a pig sty, it was just plain laziness.

The snow was freezing, and I made star angles on the floor, while looking into the sky at the clouds imagining them as a clown, as my sister Chelsea is terrified of them and seeing her face expressions when she sees them, lights up my day. As I lay on the cold snow, my sister was smiling with bliss as she thought it was fantastic as nothing could get better than throwing snowballs at my father, when he just woke up. But it wasn't so fantastic for me, I missed my mother far too much for you to imagine.

But an hour went past and it was time for me and Chelsea to go to school in the cold. I and Chelsea ran out the house as we were running late and looking forward for a day at school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2012 ⏰

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