Jacob and Renesmee

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All rights go to Stephenie meyer!!

Jacob's pov

It's been a year since Edward let me tell Ness about the imprint. And a few days since I proposed to her and she said yes. It has been amazing! It's 5:30 and I'm at the Cullen house to pick up Ness for the weekend.

I saw her come to the door and my only thoughts were DAMN! Edward cleared his throat. I've already had sex with her get over it, I said to him in my head. By that time me and Ness were already in the car. "WHAT" He yells. I drive as fast as I could to the rez, the cullens were still not allowed to come on to the rez.

"What the hell did you say to him" She asks. "I told him we've already had sex" I reply with my head down in shame. She puts her finger under my chin and kisses me, hard. "I don't care that you told him, Jake, just scared of going back now" She says with love in her eyes. "You could just stay with me forever" I say. "Enough lover boy, the guys will kill you if your late again" She says resting her hand on my upper thigh. "Says the girl who has her hand on my dick" I say smug. "That is your upper thigh, this is you dick" She says moving her hand to my dick then back to my thigh.

Just then we pull up the First beach, where we were supposed to meet all the guys. She strokes my dick one more time and gets out of the car and runs to the guys and imprints. I just sit there in the car dumb-founded.

Ness's pov

I run to the guys and imprints, laughing my ass off sitting down next to Leah and her imprint Luis. Leah looked at me like I was crazy. I FINALLY caught my breathe and I told her to look at Jake who was stilled dumb-founded in the car. "What happened" She asks looking at me. I couldn't answer because I broke into another round of giggles. By the time I calmed down again everyone was staring at me and i giggled again. "What the HELL is wrong with you" Embry asks. "Nothing" I say quickly. Then Jake came out of his weird mind thing and got out of the car. "I hate you" He says sitting down next to me. "AWWWW! I love you too babe" I say. "What happened Jake I thought you would be longer going to get her" Sam asks. "Yea Jake, tell 'em what happened" I say giggling. His face goes red. "NESSIE STOP LAUGHING" Leah yelled. "K" I say. "Nothing happened, I just wanted to get back here" Jake said. I snorted "Not the only reason." "Show me" Leah says. I grab her hand and show her from the time we got in the car to when I got out. She leans into me and laughs and I join in. We are just sitting there leaning on each other laughing til we both get hiccups.

"What is so funny" Emily asks. "Jake, You got what was coming to you" Leah said. I nodded in agreement. "Now tell them the real reason you rushed over to the rez" Leah says. "No, I'll sound like a wimp" Jake says. "Your wimp" Leah says to me. "Hell, by the look on my dad's face I was ready to run anyway" I say. Then my phone goes off and of course it's my dad. "AHH" I say and toss my phone to Jake. "I don't want it" He says tossing it back to me. "Neither do I" I say. "If you could keep your thoughts under control then we wouldn't be in this position now" I continue. "I'll answer the god damn phone" Sam says. "Thanks Sam" I say. He answers it and you can hear my dad and I was 20 ft. away. "RENESMEE CARLIE CULLEN!" everyone hears my dad say. They all give me a look that says "What the hell did you do". "Get your ass back home, you are grounded and not allowed to see Jake ever again" He yells. "EDWARD! Hand me the phone" My mom says. "Hello" Sam says in a questioning voice. "Hand the phone to Nessie" She says and sounds to be calm. I take the phone from Sam. "Yes, mommy" I say in the most innocent voice i could. "I take it your dad found out about you and Jake" She says. "Yea" I reply. "You and jake need to go to Vegas and go to Casear Palace the room is under Jake's name. Get married and then get on a plan to New York for your honeymoon. There will be a car and driver to help you. You have 2 weeks in New York then you come back home to the main house and make sure Jake comes too." She says in one breathe. "K momma, See you in 2 weeks" I say shocked. "Bye baby, love you, have a good honeymoon" She says and the line goes dead.

I stare at the phone for a second and then look at Jake with a grin. "Let's go" I say. "Where" He asked. "Since you pissed dad off, we are going to Vegas for the night get married and then we head to New York" I reply. "MARRIED" everyone says at once. "Yea, He proposed a few days ago" I say. "What is he that mad about" Quil asks. "That we had sex before marriage" I say. "Why is he so mad about that" Embry asks. "It's more like when and where it happened." Jake says. "Where and when" Paul asks. "THe cottage kitchen counter and they went hunting and Alice was supposed to make sure nothing happened and we had been dating for about 2 weeks" I said. "We need to go Jake" I continue. "Alright let's go" He says. "Bye Guys see you in 2 weeks" I say walking to the car.

Once we get to the car, I recline my seat and sigh. "What's wrong" Jake asks. "Why is dad acting like this" I ask. "He thinks that you won't be his sweet little girl anymore" He replied. My stomach growled and Jake laughed. "There is a pomegranate in the back and an old towel" He says. While I ate the car was silent but it wasn't awkward it was nice. we made it to the airport and got to Vegas.

We got to Ceaser Palace and got married within an hour by Elvis. I am now Renesmee Black. And have a wonderful husband. And last but not least we have a hotel room for 2 weeks and we probably never leave the room til it's time to leave. We went from there straight to New York sleeping to get our energy for the 2 weeks to come.

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