Fix You (Phan)

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Fix you

You must, I repeat, must listen to Fix You by Coldplay while reading this. Put it on replay too. It was my inspiration for this story and it relates with this a lot.


"Get out, Phil! Get out and don't come back." Dan said with anger in his eyes.

Phil looked at Dan in surprise. He didn't know that this argument would come to this.

"Fine." Phil whispered as tears rolled down his cheeks.

He turned away from Dan and walked out of their flat.

Phil woke up with tears running down his face and sobs racking his body. He dreamed of their argument. Again.

Phil wasn't always like this. He never used to wake up sobbing or only get three hours of sleep. He never used to cut. He never used to be this depressed or this upset. He used to be happy. But that was when he was with Dan. That was when he did youtube videos with Dan and radio 1 with Dan. That was before the fight. That stupid fight they had when everything everything came apart. The fight that ended their friendship.

But Phil didn't know what hurt more; the simple, hollow pain of accepting the fact that Phil loved Dan, but lost all chances of having Dan love him back; or the never ending reminder that things could have worked out between him and Dan if he wasn't so much of an idiot. But Phil didn't think of this often; it just caused more marks to appear on his arms and more sadness to fill his body.

And two months after the fight, Phil was still a mess. He wouldn't eat properly, causing him to loose twenty pounds. His new flat was a mess and youtube videos from him were rare. Phil couldn't do it because it reminds him too much of Dan. And Phil also had to act happy. He couldn't do that! He can't even act!

And the Phillions were noticing his absence. No videos and barely any twitter updates? Yeah, something was defiantly up. But no matter how many times his fans ask, he wouldn't reply. He wasn't ready to talk about their argument yet.


On a particularly cold night, Phil was craving to leave his flat. He wanted to clear his mind a little. So he grabbed a jacket and walked out. As he walked, he paid no attention to where he was going. His thoughts drained everything of his surroundings out. So you can imagine how surprised Phil was to see himself standing in front of Dan and Phil's old flat. He gulped back the lump in his throat as all the past memories hit him hard.

As he stood in front of the door dumbstruck, Dan was walking out of the flat that very moment. Dan wasn't in the best mood today and all he wanted to do was get a milkshake from Shakeway. As he exited the lift and walked out the front door, he noticed Phil standing outside with the tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Phil?" Dan asked in surprise. Dan never thought he would see Phil again after their argument. He thought that the friendship of Dan and Phil would be over forever. Of course that just screwed Dan over even more. He wasn't happy without Phil, and that's something he had to endure for three months.

Phil immediately rubbed the tears off his face with his jacket sleeve. "Yeah, hi Dan." Phil deadpanned.

"Hey Phil! How have you been?" Dan said, smiling lightly and running up to his old friend.

Phil was surprised that Dan wasn't ignoring him, but in reality, Dan was just happy to see Phil again.

"I-I'm fine........" Phil mumbled with a slight frown on his face.

"That's good. Hey, I was just about to go to Shakeaway. Do you wanna come?" Dan asked.

"Um...." Phil sad, thinking of an excuse. "No, sorry, I have to go..... Meet up with PJ!" Phil said quickly.

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